Loving your kids doesn't mean make as many as you possibly can.
Loving your kids doesn't mean make as many as you possibly can.
The simplest solution seems to be to STOP HAVING KIDS.
This rusty old T-64 still has better loading system than a brand new 7.5 million dollar M1A2.
So when an engineer that builds engines for a living is having trouble designing some horrible touchscreen monstrosity to entertain 10 year olds, that means his engines must all be crap? It’s that type of idiotic mentality that is turning modern cars into complete shit.
I used to laugh when toaster specialists at Consumer Reports would rate cars based on how simple the infotainment system was. The cars with the simplest (not the best mind you) systems were considered "most reliable". But apparently this is industry standard now, in a world where most consumers are uninformed idiots…
Ya spokoen. If you going to attempt to talk crap about other brands at least have the mental capacity to be able to spell their name, don't be a typical BMW ahole who doesn't know dick about anything car related.
It stands for welcome to 2012
I remember CIA-armed "moderate opposition" leader from Saudi Arabia who fought Soviets in Afghanistan and went on to do a lot more than that, his name was Osama bin Laden in case you forgot.
Last time I went to CarMax they claimed my car had bent frame (which it didn't,, just a very minor body repair), claimed the model of my car didn't exist (it certainly did) so they used much more common and less pricy model to lookup their "value" and then they finally offered me $7500 for the car that sold for 14k a…
Let me translate some of the bullshit for you. "Precision crafted" means rebadged Honda parts, "precision crafted performance" means rebadged Honda parts that improve their financial performance.
Found BMW driver who is a complete moron like 95% of all BMW drivers.
It's spelled Infiniti you moron.
In my experience dealerships only hire mentally retarded monkeys to work in their internet sales department. The type of mentally retarded monkeys who can't tell the difference between a stick shift and a bulldozer. Then they have these poor creatures copy paste "car stuff" they have no clue about all day long. On the…
I've seen a video where white woman pulled over a cop for driving too fast by driving behind him and flashing high beams AND he apologized to her. I can't imagine what would have happened if she was black.
I see it as more of a Putinbots vs ‘Murica crowd with both sides making pretty stupid comments.
I didn't realize AMG is now copying NISMO.
In Russia, you tow the tow truck.
Seamless anticipation is when you expect a marvel of modern engineering for your 100k but you actually get antiquated technology with an exterior that could have been great but as all things Lexi, they've eaten too many magic Japanese mushrooms before designing this thing.
I just don’t understand what BMW is doing. First they keep putting out new series like it's going out of style, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and I'm sure 9 is coming soon, in addition to M and Alpina, then they separated coupes and sedans under separate model numbers, then they made some coupes “grand coupes”, then they made even…
If you want a luxury performance coupe, stay away from RC as RC350 is a joke and you are better off with a 428 or even an 8 year old G37 coupe, both of these can be had with a stick. For the money it costs I would wait a few months and buy new Infiniti Q60 coupe or BMW 440i coupe. Only get Lexus if you are looking for…