
It’s not surprising they want military hardware since these warmongering Iranians have the nerve to surround themselves with several dozen peace loving American military bases while the neocon mental giants who brought you Iraq, Afghanistan and ISIS have not spared any effort lobbying for a new war with Iran as

That’s pretty retarded since Russian tanks come with auto loaders.

After a jump like that your ass might freeze your assets, your legs will declare an embargo while your sphincter will be placed under international sanctions.

Can't we just send Bruce Willis?

We have imbeciles running our foreign policy, it’s the only thing that Trump is right about. Removing Saddam and Gaddafi created huge disasters that span decades and cost millions of lives and trillions of dollars so now these morons want to remove Assad. I don’t even care how many of his people he bombed, removing

Titanic 2 should come with a Hindenburg 2 airship and a Challenger 2 space shuttle on board, just in case.

I recommend a visit to an optometrist as you are clearly blind.

Just wondering if you enjoy inflicting pain on yourself as you own not one but two used British cars.

Small automakers usually do a much better job than humongous ones, for example Mazda makes much, much better products than Toyota even though they are a tiny goldfish of a company compared to Toyota's whale sized business. But way to sum up all of their work as "wasted resources".

What do you call a RWD 2 door coupe with 350+hp that is not made in America?

I like my IKEA meatballs with a healthy dose of radiation.

Look up 1000hp Godzilla GTR doing donuts in the snow on slicks, while your shitty little Camaro putting around local streets on snow tires is just sad.

60 stands for being higher than 50 and lower than 70.

They only look similar if you know precisely dick about military planes.

Why not just rename it to 399 and call it a day, no 3 digit number can be higher than 399.

Hey moron, this car was crushed according to NHSTSA rules and regulations and that agency was established under Richard Nixon who was not a liberal. But being stupid and ignorant makes WhyNot65 giddy with excitement.

Natural money cycle works like this:

My car shoots flames from the exhaust and produces 600 whp which is close to this here Lambo but it doesn't catch on fire because it was not designed by morons and idiots.

That's not exactly true, yes Russia relies on foreign goods more than it should, but most of what an average person spends their money on like rent, healthcare, education, food, etc is not made overseas.

It's really not that bad, average salary in Russia is an equivalent of about $1000 a month, double that in the big cities. Recently value of the ruble lost nearly 50% due to oil prices falling, hence the $500 a month figure, but it's very misleading as the fall of ruble only affected imported goods, most domestically