
Rim is an outer lip of a wheel, it's not the whole wheel. Also I've had wheels that cost in the 5 figure range, no way I'm driving on the "rim" of said wheel causing sparks and possibly setting my very nice car on fire just so some idiot can feel more secure about themselves and not shit their pants at the sight of a

“Barely sporty” also describes all of Acura cars.

It's "F-Sport" in the same way Toyota Rav4 Sport is a sports car.

I have serious doubts about your mental capacity if you think new BMWs are good looking. When I see a new 3 series in my rear view - I want to barf. Even with an M-style bumper they are hardly good looking. The only model that is not straight up ugly is the 6 series as long as its not grand coupe.

Spy satellite called, it is wondering why you are still wasting time on this antiquated plane.

If it's really Donald Trump's, how big are the door handles?

Look on the bright side: it's an improvement on Jeep's interior.

I know this is an old post but I actually grew up in USSR in the 80s and early 90s and just wanted to set the record straight, most of the horror stories on here are true if somewhat exaggerated, however you have to realize that’s how you would get a car at a heavily subsidized discounted government price. Think $1000

That's a question that's only asked by BMW owners. Someone had to say it...

That’s a pretty accurate review but honestly this Canyonero-like SUV is the result of taking tried and true Toyota products, adding ridiculous sheet metal and some idiotic options like the most frustrating joystick in the world and then charging a 20k premium. That right there is practically the entire Lexus business

Johan de Nysschen is the biggest asshole in the automotive industry, he’s the one who gets hired by a car company, he first axes all the promising projects, then he renames all the cars to something idiotic like ABC123 and then promptly leaves to go destroy yet another car company. I'm afraid Cadillac is doomed with

If that was the case I doubt I’d be wasting my time fighting people on the internet because they use certain words. Is that really the worst thing about our society, people using the word “retard”? Why don’t you find something better to do with your life and work on something that maybe solves or reduces the problem

When can I have my new car delivered by Amazon drones?

I’m not a fan of the entire segment but Q30 is better looking than Mercedes it’s based on, has a better designed infotainment system with a screen that doesn’t look like ipad on a stick and slightly better interior materials. It also uses Nissan engine, just like CLA\GLA so you could argue that cheaper Mercedes cars

I think you are missing the point here. At this rate, his next article will about how much formula 1 cars suck when taken offroad on a trip to the Appalachian mountains.

Since you obviously seem so deeply offended, I recommend a vaginal rejuvenation session coupled with organic aroma therapy and a colon cleanse. That should make you feel much better you fucking retard.

Yes a person who lives in a place where roads are just a tad better than in war-torn Syria is well within his or her rights to buy a track prepped car, drive it to a local grocery store, hit every pothole and manhole cover along the way and then complain about their idiotic life choices. I call these life choices a

What would you call it when a senile old idiot is driving a track prepped car over manhole covers and then complains about it? "Mentally challenged" just doesn't even begin to describe it. If it offends you so much maybe stay away from the old interwebs as it's one of the more popular words there.

Clarkson must be getting senile. He thinks regular GTR is 5 stars and track edition is 0 starts which is idiotic to say the least. Why would you take a track edition GTR and ride over manhole covers with it? Retard. He also thinks Q30 is a tarted-up Datsun when it’s not even a tarted-up Nissan but rather a tarted-up

"Russian car explodes in spectacular fashion" is an American way to name this clip, in Russia it would be named: "Some boring crap happened on a Tuesday".