
You are all forgetting that this is Honda we are talking about, they have killed every Honda that was any fun at all and replaced them with these generic looking corporate profit machines for the peasants. Prelude - dead. S2000 - dead. Original NSX - dead. Civic, Accord and the monstrosity that is the new NSX are

GTR is a miracle car. Supercar performance for a price of a boring German luxury sedan. Also it performs miracles like keeping almost all of it’s value in tact, 2009 examples that cost 70k in 2009 can be had for 55ish 6 years later, that’s almost unheard of in the car world, just make sure it has the updated

Here’s the best and shortest Audi buyer’s guide you will ever need:

I don’t understand why this is a big deal. A MILITARY ship filled to the brink with weapons of war, marines, various rocket systems and conventional large caliber guns is passing close to Turkey but all of that just fine and dandy. But one sailor is ordered to hold Igla for a little while and Turkey loses their shit

Looks a little like a civil war era ironclad

Great success!

Is Russian military as strong as US military? Of course not. But it’s still a former superpower with some pretty impressive military hardware, some are leftovers from Soviet times and some are newly built systems. S-400 system is arguably the best in the world, they’ve sank a lot of money into it because protecting

This is not bad and all but since we are talking about Toyota - production version will look like a turd on stilts.

I enjoy discussing geopolitics and history with retards as much as the next guy, it’s really quite entertaining but you are still not hearing anything other than your own regurgitated BS: 4 trillion dollar wars did not get rid of USSR, neither did Afghanistan war or Stingers or Reagan or any of that other bullshit

I've been posting things that are not always aligned with "Russia- bad, West - good" thinking that is commonplace around here so where do I go to collect my big fat paycheck from Putin?

If Turkey was really playing its Trump card, it would call for a building of a wall with Russia and would claim the Russians would pay for it.

If you think Afghanistan collapsed USSR you are borderline retarded. It did nothing of the sort, that’s about as stupid as saying war in Iraq caused 2008 banking collapse. Also Russia today is arguably stronger than USSR in the late 80s so what was the point of trying to collapse it by creating bin Laden, 4 trillion

But how are they going to do it without Matt Damon growing potatoes with his own shit?

Yes they both have wings, engines, twin tails and a cockpit. Other than that, they differ in EVERY FUCKING POSSIBLE WAY.

I'm still waiting for NATO to change Fagot designation to a more politically correct "Heterosexually Challenged"

Are you related to that retard on jalopnik who keeps comparing every car to Honda Accord?

Because arming Osama bin Laden and the like to fight in Afghanistan was such a great fucking idea with no blowback whatsoever.

Against coalition forces? Why would coalition forces want to attack a nuclear armed Russia even if provoked? That’s is just a recipe for the end of the world, I doubt Europeans will be attacking Russians to protect ISIS loving Turks anytime soon. This is really a small turf war between Erdogan’s son who was getting

Steel wheels, keys, cat converters...what? I was sure you will write about things like steer by wire, head-up displays, laser headlights and automated parking but instead you list things that nobody cared about since Nixon’s administration.

Or you can live in a state that actually fixes their roads, I'm on my 3rd car with forged aluminum wheels and low profile tires, been over a decade with 0 bends. I do come close to disaster when I visit shit states like PA or NY where they don't care about fixing their "roads".