
I’ve been to Russia on a few occasions, haven’t noticed that at all. If anything, it's the opposite.

Wow so much hate an ignorance all in one person! Like I said, no friend of Putin here but you sir are a moron.

Wow, so Crimea was Ukrainian territory then? Since when? Was it since Krutschev got drunk in the 50s and decided to gift it to Ukraine? Yeah, lets skip a few hundred years of history because it disagrees with your ramblings. But gifting Crimea to Ukraine without approval of the Soviet parliament was unconstitutional

How many of you are slowly realizing that apples are not oranges and that king crab Ktulhu is out for revenge?

I got news for you, all politicians are liars. Doesn’t change the fact that Crimea has been Russian for a few hundred years and it looks like it will remain Russian for the foreseeable future, whether or not you or anyone else likes it or not.

At least I’m not naive.

This may be news to you but enemies do not trade oil and weapons. So I conclude that Turkey and ISIS are not enemies.

Do you know anything about what's going on in Turkey today? They are well on the way to becoming new Iran AND they fund and arm ISIS by buying their oil. It's good to take your head out of your own ass once in a while, you should try it.

Ok, if you say so. Back here in reality, however, Erdogan hates constitutional secularism, is trying to build a new Iran and is supporting Muslim fundamentalist jihadists in Syria including ISIS.

How long have you been a cheerleader for ISIS?

Is it really "good" to see a fundamentalist muslim country act as an air defense for ISIS while hiding behind NATO which is comprised of the countries that funded and created ISIS in the first place. I'm not even mentioning real possibility of WW3 starting over this or a similar incident.

I seemed to have caused much butthurt with the couch and internet warrior divisions of US military who have been brainwashed to reply “best of the best, sir!” and “Murica!” nomatter what the question is. Were you also crying foul when Iraq or any number or other countries in the Middle East were flattened into a pile

Milan is a piece of garbage but that girl from commercial is pretty hot. I'd rather put her on my list.

Most of your complains are caused by your laziness or by simply being unfamiliar with previous fallout games. Really, the pip boy screen is too small for you? You don’t know that VATS displays percentages? Should the game change your diaper as well?

What is dumber, dropping cheap dumb bombs on cities or launching million dollar guided missile from 12 million dollar drone at a $5000 pickup truck? Russia is doing a lot with very little while trillion dollar US military looks weak.

Kim Jong Un had a huge boner after seeing these pictures.

Thanks Obama!

I am Quadrifoglio! I need gasoline for my six-banger-hole!

I'm sorry, is it not fruity enough for you?

I was born in USSR and have drank a lot of vodka in Russia in US and in Europe with a lot of various people over many years. There one thing I learned that I can share with all of you right and it’s that all vodkas are exactly the same. There’s grain vodka and potato vodka but they taste exactly the same. And there’s