Ser Dirtnap

I'm not sure I agree there. Rewatching the first Star Wars, I was struck by how modern (for the late 70s) the dialogue and jokes were. For me that was a huge part of its charm. The prequels went for the timeless quality and just felt stiff.

And it's always true!

The characters in Rogue One were all types that I should really like, but I just couldn't muster very much feeling for them. They never really came alive for me. I think the TFW actors were much better cast and directed.

Episode V: The Empire Holds Back

Counterpoint: OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Well, to be honest we at Lucasfilm just got kind of tired of your incessant crying.

Oh yeah? Who'll have the last laugh when the alien gods running the simulation that is our universe decide to hit restart!

No more Star Wars for you two!

Saw Gerrera is so poorly used, he really should have been cut out of the film entirely. I read somewhere that Rogue One was originally conceived as a TV series, which explains a lot. A series would have let us spend some time with Gerrera and expand on all of these Rebel factions. It's like they tried to distill a

Rogue One wasn't terrible, but the story is clunky as hell. After a pretty effective opening, the first hour is a plodding mess of unnecessary planet hopping and clumsy exposition dumps. It gets better at the end and has a terrific finale, but it mostly just left me with more of an appreciation of JJ Abrams's


Never tell me the odds!

It's okay! Luke was really saying "It's time…for the Jedi…to end…THE SITH"

At least now we know who Rey's mother is!

My brain can't repel hot takes of that magnitude!!

Yeah yeah…where's the biopic of famed music producer Bruce Dickinson (yes, that Bruce Dickinson)?

I wonder if some of it is nostalgia for the pre-9/11 era. When I look back on the 90s it seems like such a carefree innocent time.

I watched a couple of episodes recently, and I thought it held up remarkably well for its age. I think what it had going for it was great cast chemistry and sharp comic timing. The actual jokes and scripts were pretty insipid, but it was all in the delivery I think.

Smelly Dik
Smelly Dik
What are they feeding you

Friends? The Musical?