Ser Dirtnap

Get used to that floor, kid.

No worries, the review doesn't reveal the fact that they were all dead the whole time.


Dammit I always miss the good slappings

Stop, people! Shitting on Bannon only increases his shitlord power!

Boy is driving car???

No taco for you!

I did watch The Godfather Epic last year, and I agree, there are significant trade-offs watching the two films edited together chronologically. As someone who has seen those films individually many times, I would love to know how it feels to watch the Epic edit as a newcomer to the story. For example, would I feel

Neat - I think it would be interesting to watch BCS and Breaking Bad chronologically without having seen BB. BCS I think cooks lower and slower so I think it would be a natural progression in gradually ratcheting tone. (Depending on how BCS progresses of course.)


Hmmm, that isn't really an argument, though, just a general assertion. I would be honestly interested in hearing how the horror elements of The Shining are actually meant to be a satire or self-reflexive commentary. If you're saying that Kubrick didn't intend to make a horror film in the first place, I believe the man

Fuck United Airlines and those security thugs, but the people that make me truly depressed are the hordes of bootlickers rushing to United's defense. I used to think these authoritarian-loving types were an ugly minority in this country, but the past few months have really opened my eyes.

You sure you want to do that? It might not be so good for your health…if you know what I mean…

True, but in this case I actually saw the movie first!


Eh. I mean, I'm a huge admirer of Kubrick, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to claim that he's actually sending up horror tropes in The Shining. If you can back that up I would genuinely be interested in that argument. It would certainly validate my pre-teen self's film-reading skills. But it certainly doesn't

Well, we didn't want to have to spell it out, but what we're saying is nobody likes to listen to a bunch of yammering poors.

It's a test, designed to provoke an emotional response. You…have passed.

Would Taco Bell be in the clear? It usually only smells like one foot.

King's argument (which I agree with) is really the opposite, though — The Shining fails as a horror film because Kubrick isn't familiar enough with the genre to avoid/transcend its overused tropes. Its satirical elements are fine, but the horror elements are too cliched to be scary. As a horror film, its problem is