Ser Dirtnap

I think what would more effectively improve my peace of mind on an airplane is not being afraid of being ripped out of my seat and beaten up by security thugs.

This "we oversold tickets" thing kind of bugs me. The issue wasn't that they oversold tickets, it was that they had four employees who needed to take seats occupied by passengers who had bought tickets. United keeps trying to make it seem like an overbooking glitch or something, but they really just wanted to kick off

Describe in single words, only the good things that come to your mind about United Airlines.

Guy who hasn't traveled by air since 2008 asks: what about wifi-only iPads — do you get hassled to turn those off?

The doctor lays on his back, his head bleeding from a concussion, beating his legs, trying to turn himself over. But he can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that?

Yeah, the film looks fantastic, but as a horror film it's a dud. I think it might have been in Danse Macabre where King says that the problem with Kubrick's film is that Kubrick had no real appreciation for horror and was just slumming in the genre, so he didn't have the awareness to avoid trite, cliched horror

What a piece of shit! \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥

I'm ashamed to say that I had no idea there was such a thing as Detroit style until I saw the video. It looks fantastic, though — I will definitely check it out next time I pass through Detroit!

I don't mean to say it's identical to Detroit style, but very similar with the oily-crispy bottom and the crispy sides, and the level of toppings being in between NY style and Chicago deep dish. I've just always wondered where the Pizza Hut pan pizza came from, and it at least looks like it was inspired by the Detroit

I can totally understand that — there are a lot of foods I ate when I was young or poor that I have zero fondness for (like ketchup on rice as a poor folks' spaghetti). But there are certain things for me like Kraft mac & cheese or Twinkies that I still enjoy (very occasionally) because they're connected to childhood

I love a good homemade mac & cheese, but sometimes I crave that fluorescent yellow Kraft glop! I don't think it's a question of which is better so much as that low-end foods can sometimes be just as satisfying as their higher-quality versions, in their own way.

Something I didn't realize until I watched some videos this week on regional pizza styles, is that Pizza Hut's pan pizzas are basically Detroit-style pizza.

I just discovered that season two of The Last Kingdom has started! Also: I miss the days when I could depend on robust TV Club coverage to alert me to new episodes of shows I like. (╥﹏╥)

What if the thing that's usually good…ISN'T GOOD????

*raises fist to strike woman*
*sets her on top of a crate instead*

I'll watch this movie, but only for the dialogue.

I was never prouder of my high school class than when our senior prom was cancelled due to lack of interest.


I sure made myself the butt of that joke…

I've seen maybe one episode of Jersey Shore, but watched a season of The Great Food Truck Race featuring one of the guys, and the Situation on Worst Cooks in America.