Ser Dirtnap

I'd find it more palatable if we weren't currently in the midst of Peak Assholes Who Tell It Like It Is.

Assayas to more Assayas!

If not, I'm pretty sure I have that episode of COPS on DVD!

I guess this is a minority opinion, but I really did not care for Blade 2 and thought it took the series in the wrong (and ultimately fatal) direction. I loved the first Blade for its stripped-down, lo-fi atmosphere, with a minimum of backstory and comic book mythologizing. (Moments in the film that did lean more

Not the best sentence construction there.

You blue him away!

A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!

"Who's Here" maybe?

Ben Wheatley? I've been gluten-free for years!

She's getting too sexy for this shit!




I liked Ex Machina too!

Whose shirt was so long he couldn't tuck it?

Reality has a well-known liberal bias.


Look on the bright side…we're already just over two months in…just 46 more to go!

Yeah I'm not a fan of Jonathan Coulton either.

Five Stars Trek Into Darkness