Or the Yankees, or Real Madrid if you’re extra douchey.
Or the Yankees, or Real Madrid if you’re extra douchey.
I can’t give this enough stars! Thank you!
Maybe this is the dangerous black ice the reporters from key and peeled were talking about?
Very funny you asshole.
Flaca means skinny, not pretty woman. Unless Jezebel is implying only skinny women can be pretty.
+1 trail of tears???
I am sure as election season nears he will have Prescott Bush (or as he was lovingly called by his grandpa George Bush Sr. “His little brown one”)do some pandering for him. Prescott will come out and say a few things in Spanish and people will think that Hispanics will vote for Yeb because his son sounds and looks…
Did you see John Oliver’s take on FIFA and the world cup? What you said reminded me exactly of what he said.
There is a great book called the gift of fear that I recommend all women read, it goes to show you how to deal with people like this and how to listen to your gut
That Drew .gif is example number one of why one should never meet their heroes..