
Vitrua doesn't use too much mocap as far as i can tell. It's just the timings for Virtua Fighter aren't very lenient and the animations aren't particularly flashy. It's also similar to tekken ( or rather tekken is similar to virtua fighter cause tekken pretty much copied alot from VF) In that the game is about finding

I can have an opinion on anything i like. I'm not telling you to stop playing DOA. If that's what you enjoy then go play it. The big boob thing is also perfectly valid because I'm also gay and when i see a game pandering really fucking hard to attract a male audience in the lowest possible way its off putting to me,

DOA is gimmicky because it relies on gimmicky mechanics like wall breaks and multi-tiered stages and big boob physics in order to generate sales. Its on the same tier as the new Mortal Kombat fighters which just feel clunky. IT also plays like an 85% sped up Virtua Fighter with none of its depth. Majority of the

Wow your dick must be like 4.5 inches or something right ? You must have had a hard time in the locker rooms as a kid ? Or maybe you were the type that never changed out for gym class and just sat on the sides lines in your coat waiting for the bell to ring.

She posted like two today and there was another one yesterday(maybe more), none of which go into great detail about the game besides the fact it "looks pretty" . It would be easier to appreciate the articles a little better if ... you know they had some sort of substantive info in them.

There's a difference when you accept something implicitly, and another when you find out about something somewhere down the line I.E. Sony has a sweatshop in china somewhere. Especially when it comes to something that directly affects you and others.

DOA is gimmicky and there is a reason why the FGC doesn't like it. The game takes a very low level amount of skill to play and the level of sophistication is very low. The counter system is the only thing that is sort interesting but in the end DOA was one of those games that saw the success of Tekken and tried to

I didn't run out of anything to say, just there is no point in saying much else . When you willingly give your money to a company that literally tried to do everything in its power to fuck you over ( without lube, spit or even so much as a reach around ) there's nothing more to say to that.

Yea i really hate DOA ... I've played countless fighters over the years and i think DOA is by far the worst. Very uncompetitive. And Tekken came out maybe a year or so after Virtua Fighter and it has managed to look cool and have cool character design. Tekken has even managed to update it's look and its characters

Less Work = Less Price... if they recognize that people aren't even playing the campaign's then they dont have to spend any money making them which means the savings should pass onto you.

I guess that's true, the same with the people who are willing to drop 10k on an iPhone app that does absolutely nothing. Both of you are still idiots for doing so and abiding by it.

The problem with you and your generation of gamers is that you are all to eager to come to the defense of these companies and their policies and you haven't been around long enough to know what gaming was like before they started screwing over gamers left and right. It's all too easy for these companies to work you

It's not so much an issue of the game system but the presentation. I made a response further down detailing what i thought about the issue.

I like Virtua Fighter and i played 2 and got relatively decent at VF4 but the lack of competition and the fact that my friend borrowed the game from me and never gave it back sorta killed my enthusiasm for it lol .

I'm a consumer i can set whatever value i deem necessary because I'm the one that purchases shit. We have alot of people who don't hold alot of value for their own money nor care alot about consumer rights. But I do. There are plenty of multiplayer only games on console and on PC and they are not 60 bucks. If you're

Well thats the problem with alot of fans, they have huge problem with being able to see the flaws in a game just because they like it and they're blind to them. Virtua Fighter has always been pretty bland as a fighting game. It's not a bad fighting game. It's actually alot of fun. But, the characters, the setting, the

People don't play it because its boring. That game needs a serious injection of charisma.

I've also seen enough videos and read enough descriptions and seen the PC version (XBDONE exclusive lol) of Titanfall so i know what its about. You get an incoherent cutscene before your multiplayer match and then a bunch of random talking heads in the corner of your screen yammering on that you just ignore, cause

Yea because Titanfall is a 60 dollar multiplayer only game with no real campaign ( fucking ridiculous) and Forza 5 is an incoherent mess of DLC and micro-transactions. I guess in that regard they don't play / pay anything like last gen games.

I'm pretty sure he lost his credibility long before that. The God of War thing is a bit childish on behalf of the youtube community but what can you expect from bro-gamer console types. Adam Sesseler loses alot of respect because he isn't consistent at all with his bitching. You can't be scathing and damning when