
"Anyway, you type this whole paragraph trying to avoid one basic truth: people are using that comic as an argument, but characters that look exactly like that Batman drawing ARE everywhere"

No ... but they aren't.... You're just trying to shoe horn in any example you can... Half those pics you sent are of boys NOT

You're comparing two completely different cultures and art styles with completely different values to what is acceptable for a male and what is designated as attractive. You have so many points crossed its undermining everything you say. There's an entire ethos in japan about feminizing men as feminine features are

wanna come over and play?

There are plenty of screenshots and forum accounts of people asking benign questions to necrostorm, and then being banned from the forum, blocked from facebook and from youtube. People weren't going out of their way to troll Necrostorm. People were legitimately interested in supporting this game and had taken a

Well i didn't mean they were given away for free, I meant that people actually desire them and are willing to pay for them. It's not like people are afflicted with these weapons without a choice.

To be fair the Dev team kinda acted like assholes. I was intrigued by the game, but their abrasive/belligerent behavior coupled with the overall abysmal state the game is in and it's cryptic yet awful distribution method doesn't really illicit any sort of sympathy from me. I honestly wish i could reach out to them and

Well to be fair, in this universe, people(civilizations) actually pay for these weapons. So I'm assuming if you are at war with another planet, and you intended to use these weapons, (many of them are pretty much WMD's) you are intending to wipe out that population. These weapons are regarded as the best in the

Not to mention sony has a track record of coming up with massive innovations or peripherals for their consoles, only to abandon them a few months after launch. Looking at you PSHOME, PSEye, PSMove, Vita, PSP ....

So you're going to blame gay people for these problems ? How about we examine what causes these problems in the first place. Poor sexual education and overall poor education. Most single mom's (and dad's ! cause let's not forget it takes two to fuck and make a baby) grow up in impoverished homes because their parents

At the end of the day these women didn't crawl on top of themselves and self impregnate. They started out as a straight couple making a very immature and poorly thought out decision. They got pregnant and the man left... cause that's what straight men do. The idea that the bedrock of society is eroding because of gay

The fact that its a new game shouldn't preclude it from receiving tons of money. It's that mentality that sees gamers getting the same crappy mass market appeal / no personality watered down games year after year. Having said that, the returns for a game of this type might be grossly over estimated. The problem with

How about i give you a better example .If you're going to cover yourself in meat then walk into a lion's cage it's your own fault for being mauled.

I never said the street toughs are innocent or that they are perfect little angels and don't deserve to be punished. Not sure why you read that . But if you're dumb enough to stick your hand in the face with a rabid animal despite all the warning signs you still deserve to get bit.

Clearly you've never lived in a "bad city" before and just expect people to not take advantage of you out of the kindness of their heart. While yes the street toughs are still vicious criminals you still need to be mindful of your surroundings and protect yourself. If you park your fancy new car in a shitty

What tell tale marks ?

Its not right to blame the victim but at the same time you need to be aware and take precautions. If you were walking down a shitty neighborhood in a bad city flashing your cash around near a bunch of street toughs, i don't think anyone would blame the street toughs for taking your money.

that was borderline racist you should feel ashamed

That's kinda their own fault for not protecting their server . There are plenty of plugins and things you can do to keep vandals out of your server or at the very least not able to tamper with it. If you're gonna announced a giant project like this and NOT have protection then you are kinda asking for it.

Sure you have an email i can forward my contact information to ? Or is there a way to send private messages on here ?

Lol all those games failed cause they were on the Xbox ... you totally backed the wrong pony.