
Yea i know, there's even footage of him receiving the news during a taping of X-Play. You can literally see the moment they tell him he's fired.

That begs the question why bother posting at all then ? Clearly you despise the user-base and have nothing worthwhile to say. You could simply save everyone alot of time yourself included by not posting any more.

After reading a bunch of your responses and seeing as how you feel incensed that people dislike your opinion ... why did you feel the need to comment at all ? Surely you should have known that your opinion would be very unpopular.

I used to be a big fan of Adam Sessler even after he left XPLAY because he had an opinion on things and had some degree of integrity, but Adam Sessler is the type of guy that says whatever it is he needs to say in order to survive and be relevant.

Adam Sessler is already evil, dont you mean a more EVIL Adam Sessler

That still pisses me off. Robert Downey Jr. Campaigned for MORE money for the avengers actors, and he doesn't even wear the actual suit anymore, half the movie he's just in red pajamas. He should have campaigned for more money for the VFX team, they're the one's that made Ironman cool.

Yea well whatever im done anyway. I honestly don't think he did anything wrong. If you want to remain knee deep and tucked firmly inside of microsoft or sony's asshole ( not sure which one you bought quite frankly i dont care ) then be my guest.

What you said wasn't worth the electricity nor the calories wasted to type out what you said throughout this entire thread and your discussion with me.

I guess, nothing in his post was arrogant. You just to got your panties in a twist because deep down you kinda know he's right. But, because of you're own pride and arrogance you don't want to admit it or have a constructive argument.

because i have perfectly logically opinion ? I blame alot of the "pc master race" for being arrogant and talking down to most console gamer in a disrespectful manner which is why alot of people think PC gaming is out of reach, but it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of console gamers are afraid of PC

Its more a negative than a positive. You're stuck with old tech for 6 years while games are still moving forward and being developed. The only reason it's not much of a problem for console gamers is because most of the games designed for console are designed for this limitation, and most console gamers quite frankly,

PC gaming is more expensive than console gaming and any PC gamer that tries to spin it otherwise is lying through their fucking teeth, that being said its more an issue of initial cost vs. long term benefit. In about 5 or 6 year's you're going to need to buy a PS5 and Xbox "whatever bullshit they come up with" . You

Start off slow and slowly ween yourself off. If you drink a 2 liter a day, try to cut that in half by the end of the week. Switch to tea ( not sweet tea as sweet tea is packed with sugar, but a lightly sweetened tea is a good start) and just start out by drinking more water.

The amount of Sugar in soda SHOULD be enough to kill you but your body uses alot of its resources like phospates etc. to bind to the sugar so you don't die. That's kinda why i don't drink it. Plus after drinking water for so long its hard to even drink a bottle out of the vending machine's. It makes me so jittery.

Same, I find the amount of sugar in soda wrecks havoc on my body after having not drank any in so long. Water is so much more refreshing. Even after drink a bottle of soda i still feel thirsty.

Well at least he's cuter than Cole .....

yea the overall tone of the game was all over the place, it tried to be silly and goofy but also be deadly serious and gritty at the same time ... gritty and goofy don't go together. Pick a tone and stick with it. Not to mention most of the badguys in the game weren't very well fleshed out or very interesting except

Infamous was played mostly like a third person shooter with a hand full of mobility powers and this is why it kinda failed for me. There was alot more that could have been done with that power set besides a lame 3rd person shooter loadout, with lightning based shooting mechanics. The majority of powers translating 1

That's not even in the neighborhood of being accurate.

It has less to do about sensitivity and more to do with control. Increased sensitivity can cause you to lose control rather give you more as some of the really sensitive mouses that I've used can be so sensitive that they are even affected by your heart beat and the subtle pulses in your finger tips. If you want