
there are too many people who are dependent on this system to make money. A pack of worthless leeches who do nothing but bring the industry down.

it might not have been low. But with a mandatory install base with the ps4 its going to put whatever numbers they had to shame especially considering the ps4 sold several million units. And that's assuming that each ps4 translates into one ps+ subscription. Im pretty sure there are lots of people who share a console

humans originally didn't raise live stock we were hunter gathers, in that we gathered berries and leaves and shit to eat mostly and occasionally we would meet some type of herbivore to eat. Then we would proceed to hunt and kill them. Raising livestock is technically unnatural.

People want to spin the mandatory ps+ as something good. At the end of the day you are forced to pay sony 50 bucks a year to pay for online. All the while, on PC these same games are free to play online, with enhanced infrastructure.

Saying the spike in subscriptions was because people were forced to seems negative

Here's the breakdown.
Netflix is a subscription service just like PS+ but they work entirely differently. Netflix allows you to access all of its content so long as you are subscribed to Netflix. Easy and simple ... Netflix doesn't have any other components to consume content besides that.

PS+ is a subscription just

This totally DOESN'T fall into the same category of buying and selling used games and why did you use an apostrophe ( ' ) instead of quotation marks ( " " ) to highlight free ... it bugs me when people do that.
When you buy a used game it belongs to you until you decide to get rid of it somehow ( sell, give, smash to

There are alot of problems with game industry and how games are funded and made which is why 20-30 bucks for a game wouldn't work. The development/ publishing pipeline is too bloated by middle managers and execs and just a general fuck ton of people who contribute nothing to very little in the actual development

Square-Enix wanted tomb raider to sell in COD numbers, and Tomb Raider was never going to be that successful in this day and age. The game sold really well, just not by SQ-E's standards, which were faulty to begin with.

the problem with early access isn't so much "don't like it don't play it lolz !" (as that's just an immature non-response for starters). The problem is alot of "developers" simply release a lack luster beta or alpha, get the cash shop going as QUICKLY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE then sit back and do nothing for months or even

but seriously tho early access is pretty awful now at this point. Every time i see a game like the WarZ or Nether or any game really, throw up their cash before the game leaves beta or even alpha it just makes me sad and a little disgusted in the game community. You barely have a working game but you made sure your

women are pretty marginalized in the game industry, and if you bothered to read the article it goes on to describe the exact situation she was in.
The man was an important contact. The girls job is to keep a friendly relationship with the press. There are plenty of people dying to get into the industry and just

DayZ lacks any sort of meta mechanics to be fun i think. Also there is nothing to do in the game most of the time besides shoot other humans for no apparent reason. DayZ and the majority of these games kinda boil down to one large game of death match which seems boring to me. There is no real incentive to group

That sounds exceedingly boring, I''m kinda not sure why people play these types of games if they play them as you describe them. At least in a game like minecraft i can build a house and feel some level of accomplishment outside of surviving being greifed for another hour.

amen brother! give us the word !

i dont know where you are getting your facts from but rates have been rising steadily since their inception, and i can look at my own bill to see the price of my connection increasing year after year. Not to mention many ISP's practically force you to bundle your internet service with VOIP and other crap you don't

The market is completely cornered by companies like Comcast, Verizon and AT&T who have very restrictive and subpar services. Comcast has complete monopolies over entire regions and they see fit to charge people whatever the fuck they want and have the ability to reduce people's level of service at an inflated rate

Yea i get that, but if they are basically going to do it with an entirely new cast of characters in a completely different location and make it practically unrelated to the old games then why not just make a new game instead of retreading old ground? RE6 was basically the game you described with only a loose

That's true but without AT&T's involvement and their instance on price gouging and profiteering the system might have fared a little better. And while FCC may have been responsible for instituting the bell system it was AT&T's greed which brought action against it in 1984. FCC also never really regulated AT&T during

the resolution on the wii made every pretty looking game on that console look like shit on my fancy HDTV. Resolution does matter as it results overall, in a clearer picture. I wouldnt want to play a game below 1080p these days as everything would look pretty bad, with the quality of the graphics being tainted by muddy

At that point it mind as well be an entirely new game completely separate from the RE Universe like deadspace or something, if they are willing to go that far don't you think?