
Libraries are free in that they are paid with using tax payer money, receive tax breaks and lenience for them to operate and are considered a public service. Most Libraries operate at a loss and most importantly operate without profit. Their motivations don't stem from competition or breaking even and making a profit.

Google has already stated that they have no intention of supplying and regulating their own ISP, they only attempted to galvanize the ISP's with the threat of them doing so with the the Fiberhood but have no intention of going mainstream with it. The Alternative to Net Neutrality is structured tiered internet where

Libraries are free. I can walk into any library i want in almost any country and read books there for free. Libraries and ISP's are not the same because the Library isn't a common carrier providing infrastructure. Nor does the Library discriminate against what books you read and levy a few for reading certain books.

honestly based on some of his other posts im pretty sure he is either some type of sock puppet or mentally retarded and shouldn'nt be allowed on the internet at all. None of his arguments make any sort of logical sense and his opening analogy about a library (who's sole purpose is to loan books to people for free) not

what you said needed to be said because his argument was stupid.

Your analogy doesn't make sense and at least 20 people now have chimed in and told you how stupid your argument is. The internet is not a fucking library. ISP's aren't a free service that allows users to connect and do what they want. . The rules of debate don't apply to you. I'm seriously confused as to how you can

People try the best they can but not everyone has woodworking skills or hundreds of dollars of equipment to perform the work in the first. Nor is it exactly easy to build something like that yourself. And yea arcade cabinets tend to be cheaper but you would still need to gut them (which isn't as hard as assembling the

most handmade arcade look like shit .... Its much easier to just purchase a pre-made one and fill it mame stuff than to build your own blah balag balargh blarg balllah blah !

that's only if you think graphics is the be all and end all for game development, there are a lot of area's for improvement in terms of game design. I had a discussion about this same subject with a friend a few years back, stating that at some point we are going to peak in terms of graphics output, the point where it

because most people are stupid and feel incensed when someone attacks or criticizes something they like. If they really wanted to objectify and sexualize men in ways that appeal to women im pretty sure alot of men would feel uncomfortable with those depictions. Many women and even most gays ARE NOT into big burly body

i could say the same to you considering that most of your opinions have been erroneous or poorly conceived at best. Everything I've said applies to the PS4 and PS3 as well as neither console has attempted to lower the prices of their digital games however Sony has made at least some effort with their spring sales and

im pretty sure what i wrote got edited or deleted somehow. I remember typing out a 3 point answer to that but its gone now so i guess i don't care. I remember it being driven down by 3 things.
Im also pretty sure you dismissed one of my comments.
Free games

Steam and publishers on PC needed to compete

And Microsoft would still have competition in Sony and would be forced into reducing their prices."

Uhh... no they wouldn't. See how no one is lowering their prices now ? You noticed how Microsoft actually raised their prices for their first party titles so that they are actually higher than retail on Xbox Done ?

please don't compare e-sports to the plight of blacks and minorities -_-"
what you said was grossly offensive.

i usually hate your posts and your attitude but that was a pretty clever analogy. Props for that.

What exactly are you trying to teach? That both Microsoft and Publishers are price gouging ? The fact of the matter is publishers lose money on retail copies and make way more money through digital distribution. They raised prices on their digital copies to make more money because its 100% pure profit for them

Im actually amazed how little you understand considering Microsoft raised their prices on their own first party exclusive games as well. Keep apologizing for those corporations tho. Im sure they'll do the same for you.

Save your condescension for the stupid, steam sells the exact same games on steam all the time for a lot cheaper. Regardless of what platform it's selling on they are still selling the same game cheaper somewhere else. Which is exactly the justification they made to increase prices in the first place(huhhrrr duhhhrr)

Alot of companies distribute their own games through their own stores, alot of other games self publish on their own website and don't even go through steam. There's also always the looming threat of piracy which enforces a certain price limit on games as well. As others have pointed out, there are plenty of sites

Bullshit, those games sell cheaper on steam .