
Gimme a brake.

I mentioned there’s no pool because literally every other Disney resort has one. 

“Tig Notoro” is a Hollywood sushi bar house special roll featuring fatty tuna as the main ingredient.

shut the fuck up! actors are allowed to be in movies without people going “harry potter meets doctor who and superman zomfg squeee”

io9 bookclub was great. I didn’t like all the books, but that’s the point. I was exposed to new things and found many authors that I now love, including Lauren Beukes who had a new novel come out this week. It was great to be able to talk to the authors too. A list of authors I found through io9 bookclub: Emily St

I know it’s derivative, but I enjoyed ‘The Force Awakens’, and I’m one of those people who liked ‘The Last Jedi’ a whole lot. But ‘The Rise of Skywalker’ will go down as one of the all-time cinematic bed-shittings in history.

And I have a 6-year old daughter, which is presumably why I’m seeing endless Barbie advertisements. But still.

I honestly don’t know if I can read this site anymore when there are literally more ads than there is article.

I couldn’t have surmised it better myself, especially so specifically AND kindly at the same time.

io9 went from a progressive and inclusive space with phenomenal book, television and film reviews with an emphasis on hard science (-fiction) and fantasy, to a Disney/HBO fan site with occasional asides into More-Ideologically-Pure-Than-Thou nitpicking pretty rapidly with the departure of Charlie Jane and Annalee

Ooh! Me! Call on me!

Jalopnik is still great. I WANT io9 to be great again. 

io9 is a faint shadow of its former self.

Last night’s “The Little Mermaid: Live!” reignited my and my dad’s love of tentacle porn! Can I get an upvote?

This is what I was going to come mention.

Regina’s scaredy mock sound to Jean was worth the episode in itself.

“oh so it’s a racist detector!”

Ozymandias be like:

protect Dale Petey at all costs