
Remember JJ had people seeing WITH THEIR BARE EYES other planets getting destroy in The Force Awakens. It’s space wizards, do not try to apply any rules to this game.

While on one hand I agree with you, on the other- Star Wars and true scale have never been in agreement. Nothing too notable in the first one, but in ESB, they fly to a different system with a broken hyperdrive and Ben tells Luke which system to go to, and he happens to land 30 yards away from the one person he’s

Jesus. Hush is probably one of the most overrated comic stories of the past 20 years. Beyond the Jim Lee art in it I got pretty much nothing out of the story. It doesn’t help that I genuinely find Hush to be a supremely boring villain who really doesn’t do much to stand out in Batman’s rogue’s gallery.

In retrospect, even his best work is really just a handful of comics where he knew he had a terrific artist, gave them cool stuff to draw and otherwise kept out of their way. The Long Halloweens core mystery is nonsense, but you barely notice because Tim Sale’s art is so beautiful, and there’s absolutely nothing

Cue all the butthurt manbabies complaining about The Last Jedi. Becuase we can’t have anything Star Wars related without at least one person complaining about it.

Good points, all. I’m not sure about the civilian/military line though. The closest to a civilian transport that we’ve seen is Amidala’s chrome ship, right? Pretty much everything else has been either explicitly military or modified, and I always got the feeling that most of the Falcon’s modifications were illegal, or

First, I hate the technological plateau that is sometimes used to explain Star Wars tech feeling a bit too similar across timelines. First, it’s not particularly true. There are several examples of new ship designs being introduced was being better/faster/stronger than the existing ships. There’s no reason to be

I can appreciate this show’s complete willingness to bring the Batusi into 2019, but I maintain that Iain Glen is still woefully miscast as Bruce Wayne. I was thoroughly entertained by his performance, but he is not My Bruce Wayne. And as Charles points out, he’s not even the Bruce Wayne Dick spent the entire first

They’re working on a 1990s approach to anything considered “weird”. As in treating audiences like the idea of magic is WAY too crazy to just say ‘hey there is magic’, and taking 2-3 seasons to get there. Because it’s not like this is in the same setting as the MCU and they can just say “Yeah, time travel, aliens,

current theory is that the mom and dad team that founded the Wizard company or only telling people its technology. They have been playing with magic (fire) and are about to get burned.

I’ll say “yes” to the “is Jesse different?” question - but it is a matter of degrees.

This season (minus the first episode) is SO much better than season one. And I cannot disagree with you more about this (and this week’s) episode needing a full episode(s) as one big flashback to tell the story.

That’s what I’m expecting. Aquaman exists in this universe. There’s no way he’s going to just let Deathstroke go. And because the movie means you obviously can’t have him here, Kaldur will show up as his emissary for Atlantean justice.

almost got recast as Oracle

I’m really excited to see how Filoni handles live action. I hope the transition works well, because his work on the animated shows is top notch. He just gets Star Wars. He understands its nature: pulp adventure via classic Japanese Samurai movies.

Totally not the same thing. Violent video games are about a bunch of different subjects that just happen to have violence. Joker is about exactly the kind of entitled white man who goes around mass shooting people because he didn’t get his way and his feewings got hurt.

Phoenix panicked, he later explains, because the question genuinely hadn’t crossed his mind before – then asks me, not for the last time, what an intelligent answer might have sounded like

Filoni openly admitted to basically just making a canon version of the Hammerhead-class ships (The Rebels/Rogue One version is the Sphyrna-class), and the ones in Rogue One are using the same model with new textures and detailing as the Rebels design, iirc (I do think they changed the design a bit but can’t recall for

Wrong, it had the right amount of stars when I got to it.

Cum with me if you want to live...?