
Does this mean Resistance was futile?

Katy Perry does. Didn't you read the article?

I refuse to recognize any post-thac0 system. I’ve seen a lot of crazy shit in my time but I can’t abide these thac0less perverted infidels with their fucking AC10 and their pomade and poodle skirts and denim trousers. DISGUSTING.

This comes months after Miller decided he wanted to tell a darker Flash story and hired comic legend Grant Morrison to help him pen a script.

“If you know the Dark Phoenix story, you’d want to really service the love story between Logan and Jean


Add Andrea Romano to that list and I’ll agree! She’s almost single handedly responsible for the amazing voices that the DC Animated universe is praised for (everything from Batman: The Animated Series to Teen Titans Go!)

Imagine being miffed a theme park experience is primarily geared toward kids. 

Ugh that Falcon control scheme sounds absolutely awful. I’ve played a game like that at least once before and it is just miserable to coordinate things as simple as horizontal and vertical with another person, and there’s absolutely zero in-universe logic to it. They should’ve just allocated different tasks to the

I think I fell in love.

Yeah, comparing Trevor Slattery to the real Mandarin is like apples and... some kind of orange.

So... are we agreed that Hush was beautifully penciled, but deeply stupid? Or am I away from the nerd hive?

Hey look — You’re proving my point. 

JJ also has a rep with the mystery boxes that he likes to setup, without really knowing where he’s going to go with it in the future. Sometimes resulting in answers to the mysteries, which audiences find unsatisfying.

There’s also a corollary here — “You can’t blame filmmakers for not following your narrative because you’re not in control of the narrative or the experience, not matter how much that upsets you.”

You can’t blame the filmmakers for not telling a story that exceeded my expectations when they had no part in crafting those expectations.”

This is a great perspective. The filmmakers, while crafting something that will hopefully appeal to the elusive “all” are inevitably creating a story and showing it in a way that

Yeah. I can’t believe it took 8 seasons to come up with this. 

Agreed. Cheap, redundant, and an absolute bullshit return for the past decade.

Solid contender for worst fucking episode.

The only important part is that cops are pieces of shit