
I always thought that Scarlett Johansson would make an excellent Mulan...

Maybe this is just me speaking for myself, but I think dating someone less than half your age is intrinsically creepy.

I’m glad you speak for all us gays.

You are not getting nearly enough for this, but know that you have won my heart and this star. Surely you’re an 18/+3 charisma and your comedy has been masterworked +5.

Nah, he has no levels in a magical class, or innate spell-casting abilities.

Meanwhile, at Disney World, Johnny fucking Depp has been immortalized in a ride and is likely to appear in another Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

Dave continues to prove he’s a stand up righteous dude who doesn’t fuck around.

I’m not a New Yorker. I don’t live in New York.

I many receipts.

While I didn’t always like your style and insights, you have undoubtedly left a more positive place for having been here. If anyone had complaints about io9 I think it just comes from a place of a lot of the writers here now just not being the same caliber as the old guard, but you were PART of that old guard and that

F that. io9 should step up. When James Gunn was announced to direct GotG, it was openly and rightfully questioned by the fan community. We knew the type of work he had done, but while there was controversy, there was no outrage because no one was expecting much. It was a D-list team with a talking raccoon and a

Oh, Miss Webb. Kindly go fuck yourself. No, the problem is that these were made public six years ago, he apologized then, and we all moved on. He then did bitter as a person, and kept doing better. Then a literal neo Nazi last week managed to dig them up, get a motley collection of other Nazis, inbred conspiracy nuts,

Thanks, man. I was worried I wouldn’t see many articles crop up this morning, but thankfully some folks out there are still writing about this. So long as I can find something, I’ll keep posting it here. 

Just wanted to say I appreciate you pulling this together. Good to see you keeping on top of this.

That would still rate pretty low on Gotham craziness scale.

What’s really cool about those Iron Fist episode titles is that they all come directly from the comics:

Well, that’s a guy pretending to be Japanese. They can sound off and be done. This is a guy with some political clout that has a history of digging up dirty pasts in the political theatre and using it to fuck over people and he’s now doing the same to people in the production companies. All because that director was

Would not be a new Gotham season without Barbra getting a new haircut. At this rate she will shave it all off during the last episode and turn out to be Lex Luthor! 

I would agree, but they’ve waded into this sort of shit storm before if it involves a Sci Fi or Fantasy property. Look at the articles that covered the fella at Marvel who pretended to be Japanese, for instance. It’s not extremely common, but they’ll occasionally chime on on it.

I don’t think these have been posted on here before, so here’s a crop of new articles covering the James Gunn-Cernovich/Neo Nazi shenanigans.