Septon Swearengen

At least 53% of white women are super fucking racist.

They’d rather get more power from continuing white supremacy than from feminism. And Ivanka’s presence certainly made it more palatable since she’s been portrayed as the tempering influence on her father (not that we’ve seen evidence of this).

Even if you don’t like her, ya gotta give Hillary props for maintaining her composure after all this. I would have been calling up every news outlet on a daily basis telling them exactly and in exquisite detail how they can go fuck themselves for throwing the election to a fat fucking Nazi.

Overwhelmed by his raw sexuality?

It’s because Trump speaks to their insecurity as whites, and because it wouldn’t be their pussy grabbed, just someone else’s.

I don’t care. I’m just amusing myself.

The trouble with the Kinja move is that now, more than half of the people who read this comment won’t know who you are and that you’re being sarcastic.

They wanted to please Chachi!

“What the hell am I doing here? I don’t belong here. I don’t belong here.”

The classiest creep who makes your skin crawl bigly and stalks you in a tremendous way!

I’ll never really get over that.

“No one respects women more than me!”

Her first draft referred to him as a “shit-brained cockweasel”, but her editor made her change it.

He does have a nice radio voice.

I’m so glad you’re here. I just wanted you to know.

First they came for the Nazis, and I said nothing, for I am not a Nazi.

How much ya wanna bet the police treat this guy very respectfully and gently and don’t use any unnecessary force on him?

“two counts of illegal use of tear gas and other gases, and one count of malicious bodily injury with a caustic substance”

I just got prostate cancer from how terrible this was.

I hope zakk Wylde beats this dudes ass sometime soon