
I'll have to go look through my bookmarks on the system tomorrow and see exactly what patch it was but it had to do with ie8 (once I manually upgraded it from ie6) and then I found a registry edit because one of the services needed for windows update was damaged (though it might not be the case for just the plain

I have just re-installed XP Media Center Edition on and old laptop and tried to get it up to date with serious obstacles. I had to manually do a number of patches because the windows update site had an error where it would just hang. Then I had to do a registry edit in order to get a needed service running again so I

I did this back before they had that option and installed steam to my ssd and then used a symbolic link for my steam apps folder. It's still working perfectly and I don't need to worry about changing the default install location since it redirects to the proper drive on its own.

That sounds like exactly what I was looking for. I'll have to try it out. Thanks!

I wonder if there would be a way to toggle between different sets of cookies to allow that. Maybe log in once and record what cookies are captured and then log into another account and determine what changes?

I used to use VLC that way and then I switched to foobar2000 for my music and I'm very happy with that decision. I also listened to music on my computer less, I tended to stream more, which might be why I got away with using VLC on its own for so long.

I use my desktop for most of my computing needs, my laptop for when I occasionally need some portable power, and my Nexus 7 for most of my portable needs. (My phone is just a normal, non-smart device that I use for calls and text.)

I haven't had any crashes with any browser in recent memory either but I do have 8gb ram in the laptop and 12gb in the desktop so my hardware handles loading tons of tabs pretty well. I don't know how they compare on slightly lower specced machines.

Good luck with that, you'll have to post back about how it goes if you decide to go that route. I don't know much about barebones laptops but at a glance it seems much more limited to me. I bought an inexpensive laptop and when I got sick of performance I tore out the cd drive and put in an ssd as well as upping the

I just did a bit more digging and there are come companies you can get barebone kits from such as here. I don't think it's worth the effort though; it seems like people who get them already have a processor they want to use and just get a mobile platform that can support it (maybe they upgraded their desktop and have

Nah, you recited the good ones.

I had two windows open in chrome earlier today with a bunch of tabs in each and accidentally closed one. The window with the less important tabs survived and of course was all that was saved by the "continue where I left off" option. :(

College email lists are the worst...

I agree with you about everything except for Windows 8. As far as the interface goes, I understand if you hate it (that's subjective) but I installed it on my laptop (keeping my desktop on 7 ultimate) and it is much faster than windows 7 (fresh install) was on the laptop. The only downside I've had are some driver

It is a really nice hobby. Since I can't justify constantly building new computers for myself (same desktop going strong) I just window shop online. That the reason I still get my free CPU magazine subscription. :)

L'ESPADON!!!! <3

I had the 0.3 model for a while (two of them in fact) but they tended to break on me and I ended up getting an Alvin 0.3 which seems to endure a bit better since it has more metal in its construction.

I got to the point where 0.5 sometimes feels too thick for me and I now use 0.3 almost all the time. lol

Nice! I use the 0.3mm version with a Staedtler Mars eraser too! :D

I've been considering getting a 600 or 800 for a while now. Maybe that will be my next pencil.