
Not only do I love her, but I love that she’s also totally down to take roles outside of “serious dramatic things” (she’s fucking fantastic on The Magicians), as well as generally having a fantastic sense of humor in most of the roles I’ve seen her in...

Goddamn, I love Marlee Matlin. It can be an exhausting burden to represent for an entire group, but she has done it for decades, and done it as well as it can be done.

Note to you: selling a food item from a different cultural background probably cool and fine. I’m sure some people will criticize you, but you’re running a food business and someone will always criticize you.

When you start out by calling a food “foreign” and “weird,” people get mad! Who could have possibly seen this coming!!

I never said it wasn’t? Just said they had more reason than low Covid-19 rates for selecting the city. 

Game shows are highly regulated; I’d be shocked if you could strip him of his win after the fact without evidence of fraud. What they can do is disappear him from the Top Chef ecosystem going forward, which is valuable since it’s a very effective platform for former contestants.

My fave recap podcast (Watch What Crappens) has been talking about these allegations for months. It suuuuccckkks that he won. It sucks even more that Tom was so on his jock all season, and especially in the lead up to the finale.

Why do so many people feel qualified to comment on this legal and medical case , the actual details of which are unknown to them?

I’ve seen Kids exactly once, back when it first hit VHS and I was 14 of 15 years old. It was more effective than any anti-drug/drinking/sex PSA could have possibly been

Okay, that Alicia Silverstone clip is super cute.

one of the pitfalls of loving the kind of music I do leaves me utterly and perpetually unschooled in anything not written by a dead german dude or dead harlem junkie.

I mean, personally as a nonbinary person, I am AFAB and grew up literally never having a self awareness of myself as female. I resonated much more with male growing up, much like a lot of my trans guy friends.

I think there’s definitely an age component too. When I was younger, it was much more “Who are you to say a man can’t look like this?” and now it’s more “I have no interest in being ‘a man’.”

I share your core confusion. In the end, it’s a cultural thing. It’s another step, imo, in decoupling gender from sex, and asserting that they specifically don’t fit into the normative definitions of ‘man’ and ‘woman’.

Yeah, that’s what bothers me.  Platt’s only 3 years older than the actress playing Zoe, but she looks a lot younger than him in that trailer. 

I agree with you. It’s kind of funny (ironic) that people who come out say they’re not comfortable being labeled male or female, but don’t realize that calling themselves “non-binary” is basically another label.

Funny timing. I just read this Fresh Air transcript, an interview with Alison Bechdel, last night. I found her take to be very interesting:

TOTALLY crossed my mind about Demi. It’s been a nonstop thing for the past year to show up at least 2 times a month with some kind of new revelation pertaining to status, mental health, etc. It’s like great but man, they are running low on options.

Boy, Demi Lovato really is that quote from Warren Beatty about Madonna: They don’t want to live off-camera, much less talk. There’s nothing to say off-camera. Why would you say something if it’s off-camera? What point is there existing?

I think as long as none of the teenagers actually look like real teenagers, it will be okay.