
Honestly, the more likely situation is “Caitlyn Jenner, hopeless has-been fame addict, agrees to publicity stunt in order to squeeze out just a tiny drop more of public attention, and hires most effective ass-polisher to buff her backside for interim.”

What that clear vision is exactly has yet to be revealed.

This is such a brilliant use of CA taxpayer money and time. The $80 million that this is going to cost the state is well worth it, and definitely couldn’t be used in any more productive ways.  Well done, Republicans.

I think it’s like Jennifer and Jenny. Thandie is the nickname for her real, full name Thandiwe. So I think neither one is wrong, it’s just that going forward she wants to be credited with her real, full name even if she continues to be referred to by a nickname in other contexts.

The Deadline article states “Thandiwe is pronounced “tan-DEE-way””.

Now playing

She refers to herself as “tandy” in a YouTube clip accompanying the article - though it’s not on the subject of her name.

When the man, Kelly Sills, was confronted by security at a Disney restaurant about missing the safety procedures required to enter the park

Thank you for the pronunciation for Thandiwe, something that should be included in a story about somebody wanting their name said correctly!

Disney people can truly represent the worst our society has to offer.

It’s 2021. There has to be an easier way to get proper diacritical marks onto letters than the weird software selection solutions we’ve come up with for western keyboards. In my word processor program, if I type ‘1' and ‘/’ and ‘2' it figures out that I want the 1/2 special character (note, kinja does not). It should

As many have pointed out elsewhere, considering Nike’s overseas manufacturing practices, it seems highly unlikely this is the first pair of their shoes made with drops of blood. Or children’s tears, for that matter.

Yup. I’ve nervously refreshed a few of these Jez articles about her lately expecting to see lots of comments like “but she’s nice - why are you all so mean?”

I don’t think she’s a terrible human being at all. But she’s trying to be all things in a way she simply cannot be; a person trying to be the living embodiment of

Harry is more than likely going to be a spokesperson for this company.

Same it was almost painful to watch. I don’t understand how people can leave dishes out for longer than a few days and just let them pile up. It’s not only unsightly but it’s unsanitary! 

I would make the argument that, if the dishes are piling up like this to the point where anyone with working eyes see they obviously need to be cleaned, then yes, she shouldn’t have to ask.

Oh my god yes. I used to dip into CdAN every now and then - it used to be really fun! But now it’s so bitter and horrible - super toxic. They are obsessed with child sex trafficking and Joe Biden. The things they said about Meghan Markle is disgraceful, some people seem really violent against her. I needed a shower

This writer is jealous of their traffic and clicks.

Does this whole article come off as annoyed that benign stuff as opposed to dirt is being reported? Celebrities have money, but are also just people. Maybe it’s ok not to tear them apart always. Sometimes sure when they start a church or try to convince people to buy diarrhea tea go for it.

And Jez doesn’t profit off celebrity gossip, right.  

I do agree, but think it’s fitting that Meghan gets to rub their (the British royal family’s) collective nose in it after what she has had to tolerate over the last few years. A last “Up yours”, before she and Harry drift off into (hopefully) a happy and private family life.