
It’s a little bit of both. Yes, he got the goldfish in the end—but note that the tantrum ended before he got the goldfish. He had stopped crying, he had more control over his body, and he was using his words. Perhaps the tantrum would have restarted if he didn’t get the goldfish, but he was able to calm himself down

I worked as the coordinator for a state’s central registry of child abuse and neglect for about 5 years. The stranger abuse narrative is so, so rare. Sure, it occasionally happens and, in my experience, was frequently facilitated by a parent. The VAST VAST amount of child abuse ( sexual and otherwise) is done within

The police will also announce a “rescue operation” and then charge all the women they “rescued” with prostitution and publish their names and mugshots online! This is pretty standard procedure. The most high-profile example in recent history is the Robert Kraft case, in which the cops eventually admitted that they’d ne

It’s just the latest in the series of “white slavery” scares that have been going on since whiteness was defined. all they do is just change the words.

Once I found out many “trafficked” women are put in police databases just incase they were “trafficked” again, it became clear it’s just a ‘think of the children’ excuse to harass people.

Yes! The You’re Wrong About podcast has talked about this a lot, and it’s just so infuriating to think about how little people do to interrogate or debunk this trope because no one wants to seem like they are anti- anti-trafficking. But that glossing over is actually so dangerous, because the casual acceptance and

And the kids who are victimized for sex abuse videos are overwhelmingly victimized by family members, not strangers.

Ehh, the anti-vaxx horror show is where the nuts on the left & right come together fo celebrate their joint stupidity!

Trafficking of the true “stranger abducts (almost always white) kids to sell them into sex slavery” essentially NEVER happens, every single number about human trafficking that gets bandied about by the media and “nonprofits” is wildly over-inflated and based on garbage data, yet because there’s no political points to

Yeah, this is my thought. It may very well be true she didn’t know the details of the history, but she clearly knew it was an insult reserved for Black women. If you know an insult is reserved for one specific racial group but don’t know exactly where it comes from... just assume it’s racist and say something else.

This is 100% a publicity stunt, and Texas lacks jurisdiction on this case.  The Supreme Court has ruled that taxpayer status is not enough to question a case.  you have to be damaged by it specifically.  And since his indictment is state, a pardon does nothing for him.  This is just him being him.  He honestly

As I understand it, the idea is that other states allowing expanded access to voting dilutes the power of voters in Texas, but the Electoral College does that anyway (WY gets 3x as many EC votes as CA, based on population), so yeah, it’s just a stunt (and since state vs. state cases go directly to SCOTUS, it’s likely

Yes, that is exactly it. The states are the arbiters of their own elections. Even if you can show that a state election rule violated some provision of the federal Constitution, you have to show that you, personally, suffered a concrete injury because of it. In general, that means being a state voter or candidate at

I think it’s also perfectly fair to say that Diana wasn’t much more mature than he was. Absolutely in private, for sure. (Of course, yes she was also 9 years younger) She knew how to manage the media and all sources pointing to her immaturity and questionable behavior behind the cameras is perceived as mostly true

Oh yeah he’s awful, but I guess when you’re raised to do whatever someone else tells you without question, Charles is the result.

Yeah, I hope Elizabeth makes it to 112 and keeps him out of it 

This is the interpretation I’m learning toward. There are, sadly, a lot of racial slurs out there, and there are some cases where I can believe that someone legit didn’t know some of them, BUT...

I just find it funny how neither Noah or Don knew what it meant but somehow managed to use it correctly and against its intended target (Black women). I’d be slightly more inclined to believe they didn’t know what it meant if they called like, Gwyneth Paltrow a nappy headed ho. Then I’d be like huh I don’t think that

Probably the whole competition/pressure thing.

He holds a snarky charm that works so well in a variety of situations. Marty and Alex would have hated each other, but it’s recognizable in both characters.