Yep. It’s like Doug Jones — he’s not some perfect liberal Democrat, but he is a Democratic senator from a deep red state. We need a Senate majority more than we need perfect candidates who won’t get elected.
Yep. It’s like Doug Jones — he’s not some perfect liberal Democrat, but he is a Democratic senator from a deep red state. We need a Senate majority more than we need perfect candidates who won’t get elected.
You’re right, “dark-colored” isn’t true when it comes to women’s clothes— I was writing too fast. But there’s still a range of generally acceptable colors and prints, and pastel pink florals aren’t on the list. Her dress would be a little better if it were black, but the flowy cut still would be unusual at best for…
Fashion isn’t just about what’s covered, though. An evening gown might cover the same amount as a bathing suit and sarong, but nobody’s going to wear their bikini to a black-tie event. Color, material, cut, etc. are just as important
The issue is this. Have you ever heard the adage about “dress for the job you want”? It’s a cliche for a reason — it reflects how a lot of people in positions of power view you. And the way Ivanka dressed says that either a)the job she wants is Sunday school teacher or b)she’s too important to have to abide by the…
Right? I’m glad we’re past the time when a woman had to wear a suit with giant shoulder pads and a little bowtie to be taken seriously, but that doesn’t mean you should show up at G20 looking like you got lost on your way to the Junior League fundraising luncheon. I guarantee that the female staff who actually earned…
Nominating Biden is the best way to turn 2020 into a rerun of 2004 -- except whatever the Trump machine tosses at Biden will make Swift Boating look like a day at the park. I sincerely hope Biden recognizes his moment has passed and drops out.
Yeah, I believe somebody like Ryan Reynolds pays because he only seems to tweet when he has something to promote and his tweets are perfect sitcom one-liners. (Not picking on Ryan in particular; swap in a different celebrity if you want.) Chrissy is so messy on Twitter that I think it’s really her most of the time.…
I can’t get over the wardrobe. What she wore to the DMZ is okay, if a little low-cut for the context, but the flowy pastel dresses? Save those for baby showers. I think she’s going for “feminine” but it comes across like she doesn’t take the meetings seriously.
It’s not so much that sexual assault doesn’t rate as a sin as that they think it’s almost always “he said, she said.” If it’s a Central Park Jogger situation where the woman was jumped in a park by a brown person and left to die, they see how awful it was. But if it’s anything even slightly more nuanced, they start…
Nuts. It seemed a little too good to be true, but I still hoped it was really her because it would be such a cool find.
That fanfic mess was 15+ years ago. I think Cassandra Claire is a cruddy writer, but as far as I know she gave up plagiarizing when she started getting paid to write.
The romance writers/readers on Twitter are more upset that the article is snarky than that it appears this women is going through a mental breakdown and falsely accusing her husband of attempted murder, which ... kind of says a lot.
I’m this way for coffee. I prefer it room-temperature, so I can taste it.
Leftover lo mein is really good cold — like a savory, meaty sesame noodle variant. (Which I guess is what it is.) I usually order extra when I get Chinese just to produce the leftover.
Because we live in hell and don’t deserve nice things, he’ll get the nomination and then lose to Trump.
I mean, maybe not literally in a cornfield. Maybe on an airstrip in the middle of nowhere with cornfields around it. There are plenty of little rural airfields in the midwest.
My guess is that Paula really was on a plane that made a rough landing in a cornfield somewhere, and she really did mess up her back and neck from the impact. Everything beyond that is an exaggeration to make it a better story, which is why there’s no record of it at the time.
Admit it, you just looked at the list of top 50 actors on IMDB and arbitrarily picked every third name or whatever. This is such pathetic trolly bullshit that has absolutely no relation to the talent or lack thereof of the names listed, and I’m equally pathetic for commenting.
It’s normal to be a little jealous of hot, famous actors who also seem to be decent-ish people. You don’t need to write articles to demonstrate it.
I have no idea what you even mean by that. My problem is that a 17-year-old was denied needed mental health treatment, and instead was given support in her decision to kill herself. I understand that no suicide is truly a “free pass.”