
Yep. If Northam had just stuck with “it was dumb, I’m sorry, let me make amends” he might have just barely been able to ride this out. But the whole “it wasn’t me but I did wear blackface another time, wanna see me moonwalk?” thing just makes him look like a joke. He can’t govern this way.

People who say this either spent 5+ years never folding laundry, cooking a meal, or taking a shower ... or, more likely, just didn’t have kids inclined to explore. I have one who will barely go into the basement on their own and one who will wander off looking for shiny rocks. I’ve never lost a kid, but that’s a

See me all you want. Obviously I know there are many, many other choices. I just think it’s ridiculous to act like wearing a prairie skirt means you want to go back to 1885. There’s calling attention to microaggressions and then there’s trolly BS, and this article falls on the trolly BS side of the spectrum.

I can only wish.

It’s hand-sewn and woven from my cat’s fur, which is an apparently inexhaustible resource. ;-)

So wearing prairie dresses is racist. Wearing styles with an urban/black/latina influence is racist. Wearing cheap clothes sewn by some Thai woman making $0.25 a day is definitely racist. (I actually agree with that last one.)

And the way Gavin leaned on his shoulder. Gavin’s 12, so he’s well past that little kid I-will-cuddle-everybody phase. Most kids that age would eat their own toenails before they expressed that much physical affection to an adult in public. It’s romantic couple body language, and it’s very very sick.

Nah, I think Jackson was probably guilty. I’m just saying the “child porn” likely isn’t as big a deal as people sometimes make it sound, which may be why it only came out 15 years later. There’s plenty to judge here without making a book of Sally Mann photos or whatever sound like the most vile pornography.

And also, he was one of eight or nine kids, right? I doubt being Tito or Marlon or LaToya was a whole lot easier than being Michael. Yet as far as I know, none of his siblings had this drive to cocoon themselves in childhood forever. I’m not saying they’re perfect people, because obviously that isn’t the case, but the

One thing that jumped out at me was how he kept saying “nobody’s Jack the Ripper.” I know this might be a stretch, but to me that suggests that he had convinced himself that “bad people” murdered/physically hurt children. He didn’t physically hurt them, so anything he did was okay.

What I’ve heard is that it’s not really child porn, it’s a large collection of books of photography that includes a few nude juveniles. If that’s true, it makes the whole thing seem a lot less damning.

Not sure I follow you -- it’s fiction. Things don’t just happen. A whole bunch of people sat around to decide how this season would end, and what they decided to do was get us invested in a ship and then smash it down a few episodes later. Doesn’t work for me. 

This one isn’t sitting well with me. My main objection is that we’ve seen Eleanor and Chidi fall for each other several times now, and as soon as it looks like they’re stable, the show reboots somebody and yanks that out from under us. It’s Charlie Brown and the football, and that’s a great way to get me to stop being

I am so glad you posted about this. I read those quotes last night and wanted to throttle him.

I’ve been asking my 11-year-old about this phenomenon because it befuddles me and occasionally I need a tween translator in the house. She says Jojo isn’t really popular with her friends, but some of her songs are catchy.

Obviously you didn’t read this whole thread to see where I said yeah, I thought about the local workers after I commented but didn’t get a chance to edit, my bad. But hey, nothing like getting outraged at somebody on social media for forgetting to put in every possible conditional and detail.

Right, but she’s not at all the right body type for the unicorn and none of the clues fit her. It was completely out of left field. 

Did he say the80s? I heard “it’s been a while since your mom had pictures of me on her bedroom wall.” To me that suggests somebody who was a teen idol in the ‘70s or before. If he said ‘80s specifically, I agree Osmond is too old. 

The judges are told to make completely off-the-wall guesses for the sake of entertainment and letting the audience feel smart, right? I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind thinking somebody like Emily Blunt would do this show, or that the Unicorn is Mary Lou Retton.

So ... who is Carson Griffith’s dad? And could journalism someday start paying living wages so we can rid ourselves of these moronic trustafarians?