
I wonder if “he got my stepsister pregnant” was the thing Elon wanted to say but wouldn’t in that Rolling Stone profile ... or if it’s something even worse.

It’s such garbage. Taylor doesn’t typically want to talk about politics, and that’s her choice. Do I wish she was more of a feminist advocate? Sure, sometimes. But someone choosing not to be an advocate doesn’t make her responsible for what was basically a planned smear campaign. It’s like blaming the cartoonish who

Not that anybody but me cares about this, but the whole “white supremacists love Taylor Swift” thing was basically a giant troll. They picked a famous person and pretended to stan her to get attention ... and months after the Daily Stormer style guide revealing this went public, liberal websites still act like Taylor

Remember Clyde Bruckman? “You don’t die”? Therefore Scully is immortal, therefore she can get pregnant at 50+ and without ovaries. Or ... something.

As far as I can tell, it’s very rarely (if ever) worked in any kind of supervised testing situation. I know the defense is that people who need facilitated communication “clam up” when they feel uncomfortable ... but if it was truly the ONLY way to get your message across, wouldn’t at least one person suck it up and

My problem with #ActuallyAutistic is it seems to be a lot of high-functioning college graduates telling parents of lower-functioning children what they should or shouldn’t do or say about their own children. I respect what they’re saying is true for them, and I appreciate the problems they’ve pointed out with Autism

Plenty of people with spinal cord injuries or other conditions have to wear diapers, though. The fact it seems gross to us doesn’t mean that incontinence itself makes someone incapable of consent.

I have a developmentally disabled child who communicates with an assistive device. He’s making good progress, but he’s only six — I have no way of knowing when or if he’ll be able to consent to an adult relationship.

“Fly Me to the Moon.” I wanted something happy and whimsical. We had a standards/jazz band with a female singer.

Wasn’t there a thing in India where you injected a “plug” into a guy’s sperm ducts and it basically acted like a reversable vasectomy? What happened with that?

Could be both. Maybe trolls look for trans women, and then report anybody who mentions sex work or otherwise breaks the rules in their profile. So technically they’re kicked off because of the ToS violation, but Tinder wouldn’t have known or cared if it wasn’t for transphobes trying to mess with people.

Blue goes by a relatively uncommon nickname, though. I think if he went by his full name Simon would have gotten it.

Good for them. They’ve still said and done a ton of iffy things, but it seems like this time they’re actually listening to people who aren’t white guys.

I don’t get it. Everybody knows teen girls have a huge problem with self-esteem. Everybody pushes the “you’re beautiful the way you are” message. But then when a girl who doesn’t look like Gigi Hadid says “gee, thanks, I AM beautiful,” obviously that’s awful and she must immediately be put to death on a TV show to

Funny thing, God spoke to me in the shower this morning. She said “Please, for the love of Me, don’t make some celebrity who believes in The Secret president. America has suffered enough.”

Good. That trailer made my eyes bleed. Also seemed weirdly anti-body positivity, but I guess laughing at fat people is the true American pastime.

I don’t think they’re in an actual relationship. For one thing, they have to spend so much time training together, that any halfway normal person would go nuts if they had to go home with the same person. You need a break eventually. For another, there’s no good reason for them to keep lying after so many years. It’s

I understand what you’re saying. But I don’t know Macron personally, I don’t follow French politics closely enough to have more than the vaguest idea what he’s like as a leader, and I find speculating on someone’s general trustworthiness based on a choice he made at 15 (and, yes, continues to make — but getting out of

Exactly. It’s normal for a 15-year-old to get a crush on an inappropriate adult ... and just as normal for the adult in question to gently rebuff any advances because they are, after all, coming from a child. Brigitte Macron chose not to — which says bad things about her, not him. The fact their relationship lasted

Amy’s 36. Usually “later in life” means more like 60. I get what you meant, though.