
She’d already been paid for the movie itself. The issue was about a week of reshoots on short notice, which really isn’t enough time to work on another project. She had the same ability as Wahlberg to say “too bad about Spacey, not my fault, pay me.” The worst they could have done if they didn’t want to pay her was to

And a pro probably would have moved her so whatever looks like it’s coming out of the back of her leg wasn’t there.

It’s a kid on the stairs, not some exotic thing that’s hard to photograph. Presumably Kate has a digital camera. She might even have one in her phone like the rest of humanity.

I see Kate when I look at her, but now when I look again I see what you mean about the queen.

Why do you say that? It’s a portrait of a 3-year-old on the stairs outside her house(?). If that’s beyond the reach of an amateur photographer, there are a whole lot of professional photographers on my Facebook timeline.

That’s what sexually aggressive men needed: Women defending them.

Not to be rude, but why? Is she broke? Doesn’t she already have a TV show? Can’t she spend more time with her kids or write a book or mentor young lesbians or do literally anything in the world that isn’t this?

I can think of very few things I want to watch less than a Roseanne lecture about politics. Her Twitter feed is bad enough.

I dunno. I get what this article is getting at, but if “being a feminist is being equal to do what a man do,” and some men went to school and dress conservatively, then can’t a woman with a Yale degree and a closet of maxi skirts be just as feminist as Cardi with her hustling? Like, can we step off judging other

Maybe don’t break out the “ironic” Southern racist character when you’re first introduced to an Asian girl half your age?

This seems ideal for people who don’t have small children. I don’t know if I’d go as far as being bicoastal, but I’d happily let him move to a house next door.

When Elliot announces she “doesn’t love people who love her,” it’s a weirdly patronizing move that puts Angela in the realm of the hoary “I deserve her love, but she doesn’t do the right thing” category of retrograde cliches, the kind of writing about women Esmail used to do back when he wasn’t very good at it.

Yeah, pretty much. To be fair there’s supposed to be more to it, but it seems like a lot of the time Twitter just looks at who cussed who out first because, as you said, that’s the easiest thing to measure objectively.

Knock wood, but it’s starting to feel like Cosby, Ailes and now Weinstein have opened a fire hose where (finally) sexual assault is seen as a real problem with consequences instead of “boys being boys.” It’s rough learning that so many prominent men are utterly loathsome human beings, but I’m also very grateful we’re

Yeah, that is the bitch of it. Though I wish they were better able to carve out an exemption for provoked/political speech like Rose’s.

Nah, you can have as much of a pottymouth as you want as long as you don’t @ it to anybody important and/or inclined to make a big stink. They draw a distinction between “Donald Trump is a fucking moron” and “Fuck you, Donald Trump.”

I’m way too old to have watched Zack & Cody, but I think he seems hot and smart and funny, and I wish him well. (He’s also alongside Toby Regbo and Dylan O’Brien in the TV teens section of my celebrity crush list.)  

Yes, and if the people involved are nobodies and neither of them complain, Twitter could care less. But if I tell Sean Hannity to fuck off, I’m going to get a suspension even though he richly deserves it. It’s not fair, but it’s their playground and they get to set the rules.

True, but it’s also because Twitter uses an idiotic system to decide who to suspend. Swear or make violent threats at a prominent account, and you’re probably going to get booted. Anything else, they’re only going to care if they get a lot of complaints.

He’s a rich white guy. Of course he thinks he’ll get around 800 more second chances. He always has.