
Yeah, it seems like most fancy private schools around DC have some religious affiliation. Sidwell Friends, where the Obamas and Chelsea Clinton went, is technically Quaker.

OK, this is my thing: If it really is about one incident, why is the label, etc., running away like they have the plague? I wish I thought we were so progressive that one assault could get you black-balled, but we’re so not there yet. What am I missing?

I think the references could be cut/changed, but it would add a new dynamic to the story because so much of it is about an older couple playing head games with a younger one. If the younger man, Nick, is black, you get a sort of Get Out vibe; the older couple seems racially abusive in a way Albee didn’t intend. And

There’s not going to be an exact equivalent to Monique. The number of sitcom actors/stand-ups who get cast in serious indie dramas that aren’t vanity projects is tiny, let alone the number who are black, female and over 40. Jamie Foxx when he got his nomination for Ray is closest in terms of career path, I guess, but

My question is, did other supporting actors from movies with Precious’s budget get their flights paid for? Because if they didn’t, then the whole complaint is moot — it’s equally shitty for everyone.

If Monique wants to keep not working, saying that some of the few black people with power in Hollywood have no balls is a great way to do it. I’m sure she has a legit gripe, but all she’s doing by airing this out in public is making the hole she’s in deeper. In the wise words of Beyonce, “always stay gracious, best

Ha! You’re right, though ... if not for Kim and her sex tape, Kylie would just be another random rich LA girl.

I feel like it’s kind of weird to lump somebody like Kendall Jenner in with somebody like Cole Sprouse, though. I mean, okay, being born a cute twin who could take direction is a career that has more to do with luck than anything else, but it’s still a lot more work than being born to a rich family with a famous

Nah. Nonbinary people can be human garbage too.

Right, but if they wanted it to be a social worker, they could make it “please reach out to our social worker, Alice Doe, her email is blah blah blah and here’s her webpage listing her professional qualifications.” Instead it’s an anonymous account and a “we’re looking for a mediator.”

The whole email thing seems like a really good way to look like you’re doing something without risking any real-world legal-system consequences. As far as it goes it’s better than a flat denial or ignoring the accusations, but that’s the best I can say for it. For one thing, we have only the band’s word that the email

Exactly. Attitude is great, recipes mostly look like typical midcentury glop. But all food from that era’s pretty bad.

Okay, but she’s not a stupid woman, or an isolated one. If her friends and co-workers want to talk with her about problems within Scientology, they have every right. (And I hope she does have people in her life who do that.) But the idea she’s going to see the light because some strangers on the internet or some

This is really about two things. One is the way the show’s cast and crew have discussed its feminist nature or lack thereof, and there were definitely some dumb things being said there. On the other hand, it’s hard enough to get a woman-centered show made without having to carry the weight of being a feminist vanguard

Oh god, such a dickwad. Though I’m not thrilled Bernie Sanders decided to get involved by throwing his weight behind the slightly leftier Dem candidate, Tom Perriello. (The slightly more moderate one, Ralph Northam, is our lieutenant governor and announced he was running around a thousand years ago.)

I could see her point re: discrimination if there was no way for white students to get extra help in calculus, but somehow I doubt that’s the case.

Simple enough, and I always want to defer to the side of more, rather than less sensitivity on trans issues. Thank you for explaining.

Okay, I’m sorry. I said Bruce for the sake of clarity because I was talking about Robert Kardashian’s supposed jealousy of his wife’s new husband. I didn’t know it counted as deadnaming in that context.

No wonder none of her stepkids want anything to do with her. It’s not about being trans, it’s about being such a petty little person that she’d use her memoir to smear a dead man while simultaneously making it all about how jealous said dead man supposedly was of Bruce Jenner.

I think letting people trademark common words is silly. Let people copyright specific logos or designs using the the phrase, but the three words themselves should belong to anybody who wants to use them.