
I’m not sure if the sincere believers in “transracialism” are actual idiots or perfectly intelligent people who buy a little too strongly into the idea you shouldn’t police the way somebody else identifies.

He absolutely knew — there's a picture of their wedding floating around and she was white as milk for that. Probably they deserve each other.

Probably some of the people who hired her assumed she was black, and would have hired a qualified actually-black candidate over a white woman. So at least in that narrow way, she hurt people.

... and here I thought Goodfellas was my favorite Scorcese. Guess I’ve been wrong all these years.

So you support the concept of stocks on the village green?


Fair enough. I think we agree.

It’s not really either/or? You can have male privilege AND severe gender dysphoria, just like you can be white AND live in poverty. Blah blah blah intersectionality and so on.

We must be about the same age — I’m 36, and the punk/goth guys in high school would wear eyeliner and those long gauzy skirts and paint their nails. (I don’t remember black lipstick on guys, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.) The ‘90s were kind of an amazing time for alternative gender expression. But yeah, I

This and the Filopovic piece in Cosmo helped me see what was wrong with Burkett’s piece a lot better than a hundred people screaming about TERFs and transphobia ever could. Thank you.

Y’know, that’s a good point and I hadn’t thought about it. As someone born in a female body, I can paint my nails or not paint my nails, or wear a skirt or not wear a skirt, and no one particularly cares 99.5 percent of the time. Trans women are normally coming off literally decades of being forbidden skirts and nail

I get that this article isn’t totally serious, but what would a good answer have been? Obviously he’s not going to run out and get married just so he has a hostess — ew — and “there won’t be one” is not what the reporter wanted to hear.

For the same reason the door to the outside opens into a room with a shower in it.

Which I completely believe, because when I was 20 and first living on my own cooking for myself = rice, soup and pasta. It was like a whole new world when I figured out how to stir-fry.

Did the hospital say she had a Cesarean scheduled, or are we going on her daughter’s word? Because if no doctor confirmed it, the pieces fall into place a lot more easily.

Well, it looks like she might be carrying a good-sized burrito baby? Not so much a full-term baby human.

I think we can dismiss the abortion possibility pretty readily. Not only is it very late in the pregnancy for her to have one legally, but if she has a bleeding disorder, I doubt an abortion would be any safer than a planned C-section.

The police aren’t saying anything about the baby, and a CVS clerk who saw her said she didn’t look pregnant. draw your own conclusions.

I don’t think she looks 39 weeks pregnant in the gas station photos, FWIW. But it’s not the best angle and she’s wearing a loose jacket.

I can’t decide whether my favorite part is that the woman needs a scooter to shop but is perfectly capable of launching herself out of it to roll around on the floor in a fight (yeah yeah, I know, being in a scooter does not mean never walking again, now put a sock in it) or the uber-trashy butterfly tramp stamp.