
I guess you’re walking around carrying a blood diaper for the rest of the day? because that’s not going to make your purse smell like something died in there, or anything.

I wish, but sadly absolute morons get free speech too.

I am, like, opposite universe you. I don’t care about battle sequences. Jon Snow isn’t going to die, so basically (for me) it’s just a bunch of special effects and ... whatever. OTOH I’m really interested in Arya —this is the first time since S1 I’ve been *happy* to see Arya instead of rolling my eyes to high heaven

Fuck Jorah because he’s quite the swordsman, wink wink nudge nudge. Marry Sam because how can you not? Kill Tormund because I don’t care about him.

That essay sounded convincing at first blush, but thinking about it more, I still don’t think Kipnis’s right to free speech should be limited in this way. In the non-academia world people publish things critical or dismissive of victims of crime all the time with absolutely no risk of punishment; I can’t think of a

Agreed. Though, on the flip side, if you aren’t into someone, say that. Don’t say “once I’m five years cancer-free” because there’s always the chance they’ll be that ONE person who cannot take a hint.

What you said was:

No, we do something worse: We run up and down the street *gasp* WITH OUR ACTUAL FAMILIES. Like, right there. Just .... taking up air and sometimes saying words and stuff. Can you imagine?

I like broccoli, cabbage and kale and Brussels sprouts still make me gag even roasted with a fuckton of garlic. They just aren't happening for me.

I agree she probably felt she had reason to be flip and snide; at the same time, though, I can see why reasonable people might object to her tone. The fact some of the people objecting are not reasonable is where the Title IX claim came in.

And you would have been right to, because the way to fight speech is with more speech. Not by trying to shut down people you don’t agree with.

No, I think people just got their feelings hurt because she described specific situations in ways not entirely sympathetic to the women involved. And, as we all know, being unsympathetic to a woman = being sexist = basically rape.

I’m 37, and to me it feels like they’ve replaced traditional intolerances with all kinds of exciting new intolerances.

So if no other adult in your household could drive them, and you live too far from the school to walk, are families just out of luck? Or is the idea you’re not supposed to live too far from school to be able to walk?

I lived in an Equity complex for five years or so. We stayed because it was a nice apartment in a good location, but yeah, every time something went wrong getting the staff to fix it was pulling teeth. The bright side was they eventually gave us a rent discount over it.

I mean, you could fit “don’t single out residents based on race” on a post-it. This is not something people should need advanced sensitivity training to know not to do.

What I’m getting at is that the fact something uses letterhead doesn’t mean it necessarily came from the relevant organization. Like, almost anyone here could probably put together something on presidential letterhead in about 10 minutes, and I assume none of us are Barack Obama. This might be the work of a racist

... You know racists have computers too, right? The fact something looks real and official doesn’t mean it is anymore.

Yep, this is my guess too. May even be true, who knows? Though if they have a culture where employees write up stupid racist shit and plaster it all over the building without realizing it might be a problem, they may want to look at their hiring and training practices.

“Meanwhile, white residents are encouraged to continue holding their kiddie beauty pageants, beer pong tournaments, motorcycle rallies and Ku Klux Klan meetings in the middle of the night.”