
Ugh. You have to let us know how the "conversations" went....

It's the worst. Sometimes I end up behind somebody who clearly sees buying something as a social opportunity and, while I sympathize with what I assume is pretty crushing loneliness, it always pisses me off with how inconsiderate it is.

Yep. Delicious, sweet and spicy, cultural appropriation.

Okay so this is obviously a totally terrible idea, but, like ... what about the other people in line? Are we just supposed to stand there and wait while the barista and the "Race Together" customer attempt to talk about intensely sensitive issues? Fuck racial understanding, I want my chai latte.

The thing is, the thing is, the criticism I've seen hasn't been that Dong's accent sounds wrong. It's been that it's offensive for him to have one to start with, and that's the point I disagree with.

Yep. I think average teenagers know who Paul McCartney is, as "one of the Beatles" if not by name or face. And, more relevantly, I guarantee you 99.9 percent of the U.S. population has no idea whatsoever who Heather Mills is.

I don't live in NYC, but I'm right outside DC and you'd really have to be trying hard to have an entirely white friends circle here, especially if you're Xan's age. I assume that's the case in a lot of urban America. It's the 21st century; we've proven nonwhites can be as rich and shallow as white people!

I think maybe we watch different shows — the vast majority of the Asian characters on other current shows I watch are U.S.-born.

I'm sort of feeling this out as I write it, but I think if Jacqueline were played by an actual Native American actress, she might come across as more sad than funny? Real people who deny their heritage to "pass" exist, and it's generally seen as tragic. By casting a white actress the trope becomes more of an obvious

Yeah, the Dong thing is the one complaint I *really* don't get. He's a bright, attractive competent character, and he sounds more or less like most people I know who learned English as an adult. It's not a sign of stupidity; it's a sign that English is really freaking hard, and most immigrants don't have the resources

Yeah, I'm the same way. I have some anxiety issues in general and I blame it on that.

Once when I was pregnant I had a full-on sobbing fit in the hallway at work because the doctor's office had to reschedule a routine ultrasound. Like, over this change in plans I had full hysterics for 20 minutes, to the point where my boss —who generally did not care to know about our emotional lives — called me into

Lena and Kathy are exercising their freedom of expression by saying they don't like Fashion Police. E! is exercising its freedom of expression by continuing to produce Fashion Police. See how that works?

I tried to watch that movie on Netflix a couple weeks ago! What surprised me was how boring it was once the premise was set up.

Hey, there might be. It's just that there are hundreds of thousands who believe in objective reality and aren't truthers. Shake any tree and a few nuts will fall out.

You clearly have very strong feelings, and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere trying to explain why I don't share them. I'm bowing out of this conversation for real this time.

Look, as far as I know the police have a shit-ton of crime to investigate to start with, and god help you if you happen to not be white when they come up against you. So no, I'm not wild about sending them into a situation that could so easily lead to the cops killing/shooting at/terrorizing yet another unarmed

Yeah, okay, you're deliberately twisting my words at this point. Have fun with that.

And it's depressing to me that you don't understand that all I'm trying to say is that I don't want someone whose ex changed his or her mind about whether they wanted to be naked on the internet, possibly under family or cultural pressure, to be lumped in with your "perps." I think the sex offender thing is a red

Well, first, I chose the hypothetical with the girl's parents freaking out to imply she herself was okay with it at the time, but her family wasn't. My point was, we should be able to somehow punish the true scumbags (of which there are more than enough) without wasting police resources on cases that could be handled