
Yeah, and personality tests shut out people who aren't willing or interested to learn how to game them.

See, the thing that worries me is that it's young people sharing so much of this stuff. And I don't want someone to spend his life on a sex offender registry because, at 18, he tweeted a photo of his 17-year-old girlfriend's boobs and her parents freaked out. Besides, our criminal justice system is so biased against

It does in the sense that if you have the raw knowledge base to answer the questions, you were likely well-educated by the standards of the time; if you've got the patience and fortitude to score highly on a lengthy test in a stressful situation, you presumably will show those skills in the workplace as well.

"Proving it" is one of those things that sounds simple but gets more complex the more I think about it. Like, if your face is in the picture, that's one thing — you can send in a date-stamped photo, and it's just too bad for you if you don't want to show Twitter what you look like (or, for that matter, if you don't

Hee, actually I had one before I started posting here and the second one in 2011. He's 4 next month. But thank you!

No matter how they do it, it's all going to come down to one person's word against the other so much of the time. I'd be inclined to err on believing the person in the photograph since all the possible harm falls on them. It's hard for me to see how somebody could be hurt by not being allowed to put a naked photo of

I think part of the issue is that it's 45 seconds for a reporter, but it's 45 seconds times however many media outlets you need to talk to on a red carpet. (Which looks like a LOT.) If I had to identify my dress's designer and talk about my shoes and jewelry over and over again for half an hour, I'd start getting

Yup. First baby, it was OMG ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT. Second baby, it was like, eh, he'll show up eventually. (Spoiler: He did.)

It's true. (Presumably) straight white guys never had one single bad idea they didn't get from somebody who was gay, black or both. Nope.

poorly-ranked YouTube comment come to life

I have a niece who's 17. I admit I'd raise my eyebrows if she were dating a 22-year-old, but absent other red flags I wouldn't view the age difference alone as a reason they shouldn't see each other. I think you're right that we simply disagree on how significant that age gap is in terms of power dynamic and

I don't see the age difference between 17 and 22 as being big enough for that kind of thing to come into play? 17-year-olds may not be as competent or mature as full adults, but neither are most 22-year-olds.

Soaking up runny yolks with toast is literally the only reason to eat eggs any way but scrambled.

Yeah, I scrolled thru her Twitter account and it looks like a lot of her social circle is black. So it's not like she didn't know any other black people she could ask about this.

You don't know it? I can see not knowing the age because it's so irrelevant, but the name gives away the gender and quite often the race. Not caring is one thing, but claiming not to even know is disingenuous.

I'm not doing this because my reading is heavily whim-based and the idea of having to delay reading something that looks interesting physically pains me. (I'm also already pretty good on diversity; I did a quick check of my reading log for the year so far and it's barely 1/3 white male.) But that said, I don't

I actually think you can,based on that Reuters series on rehoming from last year? It looks like all you have to do in most states is sign a piece of paper that says you're giving so-and-so guardianship of your child and get it notarized. I'm not sure it wouldn't work for a biokid, and probably it's done sometimes when

Yeah, when we start acting like schtupping across age of consent lines is in any way more alarming than murder we've maybe lost perspective a little bit.

This is also true and is a pretty basic rule of society. "So-and-so did it first" doesn't (or at least shouldn't) get you out of trouble with your parents, so why is it being seriously offered as a defense here?

He's from Iowa or someplace like that, and I imagine they go out in public once in a while when they visit his family. But yeah, I'm surprised (and actually sort of pleased) that he tries to change the baby in public enough to notice. I thought that was why celebrities had nannies.