
They are behind on paying royalties. if/when they file for bankrupcty or otherwise go under, the artists/independent labels who are supposed to receive those royalties are likely not secured creditors and will get nothing. or, at best, pennies on the dollar.

Admittedly, I irrationally hated Tidal from the first announcement and refused to give it a chance, but I don’t understand those who are gleeful about its (apparent) imminent demise. All articles like this are going to do is fuel the metaphoric run on the bank by its vendors and creditors and cause Tidal to collapse

am I the only who finds Carrie Ann Inaba’s energy to be odd? Love Leslie Jones.

as someone who also knows this story very, very well, I agree about your McLeish statement. Of course, their characterization of Garabedian is pretty charitable. I think, however, both versions make sense in the context of the story being told (rather than a documentary)

The globe offices were recreated elsewhere, I believe in Toronto.

yes, this is great, but I irrationally feel compelled to point out that it isn’t really “Stapleton’s ‘Tennessee Whiskey’” since it is a (very good) cover of David Allan Coe song that was also magnificently covered by George Jones. This is my old lady arguing semantics moment for the day. You may all carry on now.

My office is over the parade route (literally the first building) and walking into work a couple of hours before the parade was amazing. I was tearing up at all the girls in their jerseys and tutus and signs and american flags! There were little boys there too, which is great because it is so important for them to be

Actually here, where they admitted he did it and were basically only at trial to avoid the death penalty, you’d probably not get the number of appeals. That being said, it is very well documented that it costs more to put somebody to death legally than to put them away for life. Those are just facts.

Not to be too glib, but there is a very big difference between believing a person deserves to die and believing that state sanctioned murder is okay. Or there *should* be. For the record, I don’t think you are wrong in feeling that they deserve death and feeling glad that they are going to die, and understand that it

thank you

I feel that I should also note that this was a 40 year old man who considered himself a writer.

I deleted them long ago, but I spent a few weeks occasionally sexting with a one night stand guy. He was a lovely guy but he had an intense obsession with fucking me in my “heals.” I kept trying to correct him by incorporating “heels” into my replies, but he never figured it out and I ultimately decided that I didn’t

I don't think other people really understand that it is at ALL HOURS. I've left my friend's place at pretty much every hour of the day and night and there is never not somebody there. And they are almost never quiet.

oh yeah, sorry wasn't actually disagreeing. Just further ranting :)

I refuse to go to Times Square as a rule. But this is slightly different as it isn't a "tourist area" but for the fact that some owners sold the use of the front of their house. It is actually a really lovely neighborhood that my friend has lived in forever and definitely didn't sign on for having all these people

A friend of mine lives on that block—it's not just the owners of that stoop who are affected by having a trillion tourists constantly stopping by and wanting to sit on that damn stoop at all hours.

I was a very, very poor relatively recent graduate with too much debt to pay my full share of my rent every month. I had moved to the east coast for school, but am from the center of the country. A friend from high school who really was more my best friend's friend and had always been kinda weirdly passively

I was a very, very poor relatively recent graduate with too much debt to pay my full share of my rent every month. I had moved to the east coast for school, but am from the center of the country. A friend from high school who really was more my best friend's friend and had always been kinda weirdly passively