Sepoy Rebel

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.

I think Bosa’s attitude had less to do with old college grudges than with the well known fact he just hates the browns. 

Yeah but Watson just has the natural born ability to read a defense. That’s god-given.

I assume D+ is going to offer a two-tiered subscription system. A standard plan that includes every season of the Simpsons, and a premium plan that only includes seasons 1-9.

So she never reported any of this to the police, went back several times after these incidents allegedly happened, and is now going public with a *civil* lawsuit when he is the most talked about athlete in sports at the moment?

If batter Moran were to charge at pitcher Moran, would there be no penalty for fighting, since that’s what brothers do?

I wont be buying this... Who am I kidding...

You may know Rip’s daughter Rita from her numerous narrowly-averted attempts at galactic domination.

Proposing a ballot measure that if Miami goes 0-16 no member of the 1972 Dolphins can ever drink another drop of champagne. 

“I was saying ‘Luk-ook-ook-aku.’”

“Strawweight" I like the sound of that, can we use "Strawweight," "Stickweight," "Brickweight," "Wolfweight," "Threepigweight," etc.

The cop is running from him.

The cop at the beginning of the video was running away from the naked guy like he was scared for his life.

Jesus Christ, Laura! The body isn’t even cold yet!

I am a false prophet, god is a superstition.

It’s the name. Be it Mets, Jets, or Nets, something happens to the players that go to the Second Sons of New York.

They need stronger dykes. I kid, I kid

Not sure that Dame really needed to throw Kanter under the bus there, but I’m sure that Erdogan appreciates the assist.

My nominee for Planet Nine’s official name, when/if it’s discovered: