Seoul Sister

This is pretty easy to imagine given how many people I've known over the last few years who act like the things that aren't on Netflix (or whichever service they have) literally don't exist. 

He just wants his kids back.

One behalf of the gays, even we are here for this.

as a 6'2 transgirl this unabashed appreciation for female tallness makes me feel less dysphoric about my height ^_^

I don’t know what she was expecting trying to walk the endless void in those platform shoes. 

Not that I expected it to win or care enough to complain, I have nothing against TLOU2, but...come on...we all know the GOTY was Hades. If you don’t think it was Hades, you didn’t play Hades.

“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

It really is pretty amazing how many different kinds of graphs you can look at and say “Oh hey, see that section right there, where the lines go bad? That’s Reagan/Thatcher!”

Less than human? Absolutely not. Humans are perfectly capable of being horrible people. Note, these are specifically *recruiters*, people doing a specific task in active support of an evil organization. The vast majority of soldiers are victims of the machine. Recruiters choose to drag others inside.

You’re right, the drug dealer is more honorable and useful to society than the military recruiter.

You know, I got kinda of curious about their one actual example, particularly because it doesn’t seem completely unbelievable, so I decided to look it up.

Those are some bold claims.

False... but bold.

(〃´∀`) My Dusa fanart.

You did the Lord’s work with this one, Ash. After the last piece on her, I set off to see what I could find, and came across some of the same things you did. I hadn’t realized how much I cared to find out more until you’d reminded me how much I loved that song. I’ll be honest, I’m surprised to see a follow up. This is

They’ve cried wolf too many times for me to care about their relationship, but that pic of Cardi in the pink dress always gives my boobs sympathy pains.

The character designs in general for Supergiant are top notch. Not just the looks, but also the voice acting and writing is on another level in general.

What’s going to happen is that esports leagues are gonna negotiate with Twitch, and it’s going to fuck over grassroots events.

I already rarely watch twitch (just so much down time) so this will just further push me away. I basically only watched the Dota international on it. I vastly prefer youtube videos (I understand why creators moved away - it was hard to make it on youtube and editing videos takes a lot more time than just streaming),