Actually, cis- and trans- are used in chemistry and genetics this way, and I’m pretty sure the way they’re used with regards to gender are derived from the usage in those fields.
Actually, cis- and trans- are used in chemistry and genetics this way, and I’m pretty sure the way they’re used with regards to gender are derived from the usage in those fields.
Well researched and written. The biggest takeaway is that she should have listened to the people around her. Even the song you posted in the article, had she dropped the blaccent and gone with Valley girl ala kesha in the first part of her career that would have been a cute little underground sleeper hit.
White man in my 30s, I had never heard that. They never touched on his other speeches in my schooling, but you’ve inspired me to search them out. Thank you.
This shit right here is so fucking stupid. If you think racism is dead, police across the country do a fantastic job and definitely don’t target people, or that voter suppression is an issue we still face today, then you’re a white supremacist. Not because you necessarily believe the white race is superior, but…
I notice they “feel” a lot but don’t offer much in terms of actual data about consumer use.
The unfortunate truth is that hate groups thrive on this sort of mentality.
How do you breeze through the story in 2.5 hours? I’ve spent at least 3 hours looking for the damn bosses...
Never do this again. This is bad bad bad.
I changed my original comment because I decided to try and not be so negative, but, yeah. Reincarnation is a hallmark of decidedly non-white religions and this entire enterprise smacks of white people quite literally capitalizing on a culture that isn’t theirs.
The comments on the Jez article about interracial relationships in media was very telling. And ew, black fetishists.
Thank you, so much, for this article. I’m one of those black nerds who comes to Kotaku often to escape the absolute insanity of the country I live in, but I’m also one of those black citizens desperately searching for some way to make some kind of difference in the world. I want to do SOMETHING to improve this, but…
I thought I was pretty lucky to attend Ti5 and witness the events that unfolded there. At the time, I didnt think it could get any better for Dota - after catching the last 2 days of the stream, I really want to go to Ti8 or 9. Regardless of what team you root for, the energy that a great match can incite while being…
They do have names, and most old players call them by their name, actually. On Dota 1, It was always the first name, and the title. Anti-Mage is Magina, Crystal Maiden is Rylai, Queen of Pain is Akasha, and goes on... It was kinda lost on Dota 2 cuz many of them are Blizzard’s trademark, so had to make a few changes.
I’ve played something like 3k hours of DOTA, and it is still the only game that I always come back to. For me, the fact that I am playing the exact game that the pros are, and that I can try everything in the game keeps it fresh. The attempt that I have is to have my best 45 minute game that I can at any given time.…
Massive produced tournament are surreal and odd ... Bring back The Wizard ... which was a massive produced tournament. SeemsGood
I’m not concern trolling. I want to find out what this actually does and everyone here seems to be more concerned with hyperbolic freakouts. The fines and jail time sound very bad but I can’t find anything in the bill that says that and no one will point me to where it is. The NY Times article said it was a thing but…
First: we’re allowed to make fun of people for doing stupid shit because freedom of expression is, like. A thing. (Doesn’t make it right or wrong; it just is what it is.)
Have you ever watched a volleyball match or gymnastics in which the women were wearing a thong?