Seoul Sister

Ok first, you got something glaringly wrong - perhaps you’ve already been corrected on it - so I just want to say that the assumption of yaoi being by and for straight women is laughably inaccurate. It’s generally by and for women, yes. It is not by any stretch of the imagination exclusively - or even largely - by and

Lawrence O’Donnell’s contribution to the discussion after Bloomberg spoke was, “Estimates have Bloomberg’s fortune at 100x Trumps, conservative estimates have it at 10x. This was a calculated blow and it will hurt Trump’s ego.” To which Williams replied, “The Manhattan dinner scene is approximately this *holds up two

Most Korea Men call a woman “luxurious bitch”, When she just drink “Starbucks coffee” even if it was a her money. Today Korea Man CEO dismissed a woman who bought T-shirt of feminism which is printed “Girls Do Not Need A PRINCE.” He decided it in a day since the letters of complain that was sent by Korea men who found

I’m familiar with non-Western ideals, and I’m saying it’s not reasonable even for Korea. One of the other sides to the common “it’s all relative” argument is that many Westerners seemingly assume Asian countries are either inherently unknowable or inherently less progressive. That’s simply not the case.

Recently a young Korean woman was slaughtered like an animal by a guy because he felt women weren’t giving him the respect he was due as a man. He didn’t know her. She was just the woman he decided was going to pay for his ego. Korean men who could easily pass for the average geekbro commenter here on Kotaku protested

“I mean, sure, many feminists are annoying, and all I hear about them sounds like they are brain-dead”

It doesn’t look extreme or radical in anyway. It just sounds a site that feminists frequent.

I guess I should be glad I don't work in an Orwellian nightmare of a job where having opinions gets you fired.

Another key difference: The King of Fighters is good.

He's a shitty roll who pretends to be a black woman.

Is this another chance to attack a famous black man who just happens to be in a relationship with a white woman but questioning their blackness?

It is possible that their blackness does not define their work. Perhaps they do not owe you a meditation on your own relationship with race just because they are black. Would the movie be funnier if it dealt with your own perceptions of race and blackness?

Where I live people are using “thriver.” It’s stupid and those people are the worst.

On the bright side, seeing one of these in a guy’s home will serve as a great warning to women who don’t want to be made into skin suits.

FF6 also had that

Yeah but back then I didn’t have to be made aware of everyone being hurt by the status quo that benefited me more than most. It was a better time when we just pretended we ended racism, homophobia, etc. All this dialogue and discussion about systemic and societal issues makes me feel defensive and uncomfortable so I

Apart from people like Eledonkeyfunk (above) who end up ashamed of their hobby, but I guess they don’t matter!

I don’t think the video was intended as parody, rather it’s the exactly type of “memes for Trump” stuff that’s popular on image-heavy ultra-right sites like the 8chan /pol forum (where people are very serious about their racist and anti-semitic beliefs but like to propagandize for them—and for Trump—using jokey,