
For a person whose strength is invisibility Carol sure seems intent on drawing attention to herself by meeting Rick and Darryl outside the wall. I don't think their splitting up after re-entering the compound will fool anyone. Then again, maybe she has a plausible cover story - searching for chocolate, perhaps? - for

You ought to check out sauternes. You'll be lovin' riesling after that.

You ought to hook up with Tad.

Shift fire. Korean War vets are still alive and kickin'.

It was the strength of that alone that kept me going. The first two episodes are weak, but knowing how well the theme song was done I reckoned that the writing would catch up everywhere else.

I was feelin' the same. Cornpone Kenneth > Clueless Kimmy. And then at episode 4 it clicked. At 5 & 6 it hit its stride.

Whaaaaah! No one invited me to go swimming and I have a vagina too.

One awkward conversation with unblinking-eyes close-stander would be enough for me. That being said, as a viewer of the show I really enjoyed his performance. He will be missed.

Cross contamination. It's a thing.

In your book it doesn't suck to be deaf?

Shucks. I'm going to miss Vince. A lot. I saw him as The Office's David Brent and Joe as his Neil. If only Joe and Jenn danced. Oh well.

Re STIs, they're on the cusp. On 2 August 1982, TIME magazine published a cover story titled “The New Scarlet Letter,” with the word “Herpes” emblazoned in blood-red font above a picture of a young couple. The article effectively described the silent epidemic of genital herpes, providing a warning siren to alert

I'm kind of hoping new gal pal from EST is a Soviet mole. How much suffering will Stan endure?

The album "The Wall" was released in '79 and the film in '82. Even if she was a huge Journey/REO Speedwagon/John Cougar fan I think she would have heard Pink Floyd often.

I agree with the sentiment. It is interesting to consider society's awareness of hebephilia and ephebophilia then. If the year of the show is 1982 I reckon American culture didn't have the same level of awareness and understanding as it does in 2015. Culture evolves in fits and starts, and often headline grabbing

"It would be one thing if Marnie came to a new play Adam was starring in, but turning up at Mimi-Rose’s art show smacks of disloyalty. "

Ergo all those empty parking places at the front door.

Could an even-more-uptight pal from the South join him and they live in a gay-only boarding house?

Easy peasy. Just gather all those LGBTQIA + female + POC writers, film 'em as they workshop, and make an HBO series about it. Kill 613 birds with one stone.

Right. I knew when she kept talking about her penis and boners something was odd indeed. They should have cast a bloke as the lead character so no female would have to suffer the indignity of male writers.