
One stupidly absurd contrived scene after another.

If we taken the interrogator at face value, Angela's abduction was the clearest thing. Whiterose wants to know why she's important to Price. Does Angela pose a threat to Whiterose's side of the deal?

He's a slow talker so the Choongchung Buk-do accent will be a good one for him.

The under toad will take the walkers to the Pacific's large plastic rubbish patch.

Price pushes Obama around. He doesn't even need to do it himself; Colby is his messenger.

Yet calling out Darlene ultimately led to them being shot at and, presumably, either their capture or deaths. Heartless as it was, Darlene's instinct was the correct one. If you're going to volunteer for a mission to destroy the powers that be, you have to be all in. Almost no one in F Society came to terms with that.

But seriously, how did they manage to get out of that Shaun Of The Dead-esque scenario? They don’t even look any worse for wear.

Yes, but Ollie also exists independently of Elliot. Further, why would Angela call Elliot "Elliot" if he was also "Ollie". She is able to distinguish two distinct and separate individuals.

Ollie was Angela's boyfriend. We saw the two interacting with each other repeatedly without Elliot around, and Ollie was also interviewed by the FBI… twice I recall. Though I can't be 100% certain, I feel strongly confident Ollie does not exist in Elliot's mind. Watching this programme I haven't yet reached the point

I think comparing a character who shifts gendered appearance and voice to a real-life person is a mistake. For whatever reason - one that hasn't been disclosed to us the viewer - Whiterose has chosen to use different guises. Price believes he's dealing with a man because that's what's been revealed to him. I reckon

Elliot identified himself as "Ollie" to Joanna last series.

It's not secure at all. A dictionary-based hack on words and combined words is easy and fast.

I agree with you. Work within the confines of the programme.

Not only has it replaced credit cards (banks, competitive rivals to E-Corp), it's replaced the dollar. E Corp controls the record of wealth and the means by which it is exchanged.

Yes and no; sorry, but it's not clear cut. You have a lot of devices on the multiple paths from A to B. Those devices may have their own internal battery, may be connected to a small uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or a massive one for an facility, and a facility (mission critical) may even have diesel- or

Twenty-one per cent Muslim. The country is about 15%.

Completely random? Like tossing a coin? Balderdash. For starters read a history of Jinnah, the Muslim League, the Nehru Report which rejected the 1919 Lucknow Pact, the Lothian Report, the Simon Commission Report, the Round Table Conferences, and the Lahore Resolution of 1940. And don't forget to examine the Bengalis

The best character of the mini series was the defence's forensic expert. Loved his testimony.

It's "sensical" (not a real word, but I'm going with it) because it's happened in real life. It's uncommon, but not unknown.

Yeah, but you have to get rhinoplasty to fit in visually. We can't have nice noses ruining it.