
Good point. Melanie Griffith is indeed the scarier-looking woman.

I just love the implausibility of a fella driving his Rolls Royce to his Amish baptism. And bringing his "English" girlfriend along to boot. Perhaps it's a more liberal Amish sect as evidenced by the "worldly" buttons on the men's shirts.

Though the story was weak Buscemi's makeover was fabulous.

Have you never spoken to a neighbour? Neighbourhoods have histories and people have memories. Let's assume the KGB placed a granny there at some point earlier. In her role she's going to talk about her daughter and grandkids to the neighbours because that's what grannies do.

That Philip was trained to bang with feelin' grannies and tubby geezers I have to wonder how the KGB failed to include teens in the checklist. To thoroughly acculturate its deep-cover agents training must've started quite young, at the very least to get the accents right. Once they're teens the sex training could have

One significant area of potential espionage failure tonight: Elizabeth's mom's house. Family photos and personal mementos are easy enough to create and place. Inevitably the neighbourhood welcome wagon will ring the doorbell, introductions will be made, and backstories told. "So, you moved into the Smith's house…"

Was there a misdirect at the start of that convo?

Rick and the gang sorely miss Tyreese's defensive driving skills. Lucky for them they don't have any Saudi or Kuwaiti survivors in the crew. The show would have been over at S01E04.

Perhaps Aaron could have given some I-bet-they'll-make-me-taste-this-first thought to his packing list before chasing down Rick and the gang. How do you feel about mashed carrots, Aaron?

I reckon the casual toss out was a test. Run it up the flag pole and see how he salutes it.

Wish they'd do a spin-off for Ray. Call it OutRayged.

Did I Britta that by first thinking your comment had something to do with a water filter?

Nah, it's going to blow up in her face because you just don't cavalierly walk into a school, meander down the halls, find the administration office, waltz in, and announce, "I've decided I want to help people. I'm here to be a teacher. Here's my resume."

Duly noted.

To help me cope with the show's awkward lengths I've decided that Marnie (or Allison) has psoriasis on her torso.

Check out Viz comics.

Nah, that serving of self-indulgent narcissism is only at a table of one reserved for the fat boy looking at things.

*Raises eyebrow*
Not the '47 or the '61?

Fcuk! Trigger is my trigger word. Argh! I just triggered myself. And again!