
This isn’t a vehicle it’s a piece of rust. You need to put it out of its misery before it does the same to you.

The pharma frauds kill & maim hundreds of thousands every year with their toxic quackery. Benzos destroyed my life leaving me with chronic illness for the last 30 years.

Well, at least you’re honest! And modest. 

You just hate it cause you can’t afford it! nyaahh nyaaahhhhh. Oh sorry, I was channeling a Trump asshole. 

Versa’s new design, which Nissan called “energetic, provocative and engaging.”

You really think it’s possible to tarnish LR dismal lack of reliability any further?

Hard to imagine it being any less reliable.

How many shallow, simpleton fashion queens are there out there who shell out this kind of money based on a slightly different roof line?

I can’t think of anything more boring than watching cars go around in a circle, except maybe bowling.

“civil forfeiture” = legal theft by cops. God bless the land of corruption and fraud. 

Exactly. The pharma frauds can kill & maim hundreds of thousands every year with their highly profitable toxic quackery but growing, selling & using a benign plant like cannabis is a crime against humanity? The hypocrisy is disgusting.

Disgusting that this demonization of one of the most beneficial and useful plants & persecution of growers & users by the federal neo-Nazi thugs is continuing unabated. But that Celica is MINE!!!

I’ll take my chances with a 04 MT Acura RSX thanks.

Gas & grass?

Tesla starting to look pretty dated. Too bad TSLA puts are so expensive or I’d get some. 

The stock market is a casino run by mobsters.