
I feel like this whole scenario you would see in a 100-level engineering course, where there is no right answer or solution, just a scenario to provoke thought on creative problem solving: “Boat doesn’t fit under bridge. Create a scenario to solve the problem through engineering and provide analysis to support your

Clearly written by someone who doesn’t know how to eat flats......

*Checks bank account*

To keep it car related so “that guy” doesn’t come into the comments section and whine (to paraphrase Papi Le Batard: you don’t get the site) let’s finish each critique with what delivery vehicle would suit it best. Like Detroit style comes in an F-150 whereas New Haven reaches your door in a 30 year old Volvo wagon

Added to the list of thing I didn’t know I wanted until I read a Torch article:  Regional pizza styles critiqued by Torch.

I’m in.....I’ll bring some little toy ships on the end of popsicles sticks for the walk through.

Meh, just let some air out of the tires and it should be fine....

Counterpoint:  Friction thumbies rock.....

I’ve said the same thing many times before.....and then never cut them.  I’ll get to it on my ‘07 Cross Check eventually......

I prefer the term recently assigned to it by GCN.....a chimney.  And a big freaking chimney.

You, kind sir, are not lame.  Rescuing and rocking a vintage Ti bike is far from lame.

I’m here for an ePao.  Torch, Nissan needs to hire you as a Director of Obscure Vehicle Strategy/Chief Light Fetishist.

This news isn’t shocking if you know Nintendo’s track record when it comes to fan creations and communities legal protections of IPs.

Pour over.  But need the full carafe style, not the single cup.  And go with a Bodum, no need to spring for the trendy Chemex.  Plus you can often find them at TJ Maxx or stores like that!

Jason, not everyone has the extra bucks or reward program status to spring for the PassengerPlus seating option.  And really, is it worth that extra $39 if you are only on the road for 45 minutes?  I think not.....


So you aren’t a risk taker, eh?

David, reward yourself. Do it.  But with the half doors.  No reason to start making fully practical decisions now.

Native speaking aside, if you aren’t a cyclist (and not just the credit-card variety who walk into a Specialized store and say ‘set me up’) you probably have never heard the term at all.

Came here to say this.  Take a star.  Averages are the most commonly used, yet drastically misunderstood, figures in a lot of areas.