Space Coyote

I love Solaris, it’s definitely worth multiple viewings. The Soderbergh remake is also surprisingly good in a different way. 

Yeah, that was really the only one on the list that I was like “hard pass”. It’s not like it’s structured in a complicated way, or has a mind bending twist that makes you reevaluate what came before--it just kind of sucks. 

Tenet wasn’t very fun to watch the first time though

I saw Waterworld in the theater as a kid and thought it was fine. I rented it a couple of years ago to see if it had funny bad value and was honestly just bored. 

“Not even funny bad” should be the pull quote for the Battlefield Earth cover

Running Man still shares the bones of the story, particularly the in the world building aspects. I’d say the main thing that was changed was the tone, really. 

It’s not bad, but it really falls apart at the end (insert joke about King novels here)

I’m both a Kubrick stan and a King stan, so I’ve had a complicated relationship with this movie over the years. I’ve ultimately figured out that I don’t like this movie not because it’s not a straight adaptation of the book, but because it lacks an essential element of the book—I don’t give a shit about any of the

Those dirty curves

I’d be happy with that ending.

if one is to believe the likes of Megyn Kelly and Piers Morgan” I mean I wouldn’t, but you do you

It reminds me of the Sopranos. It’s technically a drama, not a comedy, but it’s often very very funny, and all the characters are terrible people. It picks up steam at around the 5th episode. If you get much past that and you still don’t like it, it’s probably not the show for you.

Yeah, I think it was also highlighting yet another instance of Kendall passing off responsibility (just like he has been in his recent interactions with Rava). He’s ultimately just as responsible for the decision/fucking it as Roman.

I have a sinking feeling that what constitutes kiddy porn is also going to come up.  

Oh agreed it was 100% spite money from Mattson!

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the way it was depicted here is much closer to how it actually looks. 

I can’t remember the exact moment, but there was a certain point during the discussion between Mattson and the brothers where I said out loud “god all these people are idiots!”

And how!

It was definitely intentionally ambiguous. I interpreted her body language with the coke as almost sleight of hand so that Mattson wouldn’t realize she wasn’t actually taking any. The drinking was less clear to me, but I’m leaning toward she wasn’t actually drinking either and was just playing the game. 

I wasn’t quite sure what Shiv’s angle was in terms of keeping that info for herself when Kendall asked for a debrief.