Space Coyote

The camerawork in the first one unfortunately made me want to vomit, so I had to keep looking away from the screen for periods of time. Otherwise I agree--it’s really the only one I even remember. 

I got tickets to Gravity in 3D accidentally (the format usually makes me sick) and it was happy little accident!

We’re feeding the trolls :(

So edgy!

This happened to me also. I think I also tried to make a couple of different burner accounts at one point and it never worked, so here we are.

Omg, how did I already forget about the ending to that movie? I also didn’t expect it to go there, but...I kinda liked it?

To be fair, the Fyre guy also had a bland caucasian costume.

Why am I still in the grays but all these a-holes come out of the woodwork and can comment willy nilly? I’ve been commenting on the AVC for around 10 years now. 


Oh hai from’s...slightly better.

Honestly this username cracks me up every time I read it. 

I bailed at the same time and also feel like I watched at least one too many seasons. I have enjoyed dropping on the reviews, if only because they justified my decision.

The arguably superior Hot Shots Part Deux

It was my first King disappointment too. The Regulators was the first one I remember hating, though.

I think the binge model helps paper over the flaws of weaker series, and the writing on many Netflix shows tends to be weak. I wonder if it’s a calculated move from that perspective. 

I thought The Crying Game was a weird one to cite though—it’s basically a love story. Yeah, the guy has a visceral reaction upon finding out his partner is trans, but it seems totally realistic for a conservative Irish dude in the 90s. 

What did Scorsese do?

I’ve rewatched the dance in Climax multiple times!

Agreed. I was enjoying it well enough up to the ostensible climax, but enjoying it for it’s familiarity and it didn’t really feel special. Everything that happened after that was when I started sitting up and really getting engaged. 

There are dozens of us. Dozens!