Space Coyote

Poor Shelley. :(

I love the visuals too, I think I needed more of a human element. The scene in the bar where Lloyd appears is still perfection though.

For me, Jack is another inhuman element (especially compared with how he was in the book, but they really are different beasts). He seems to have no internal life and is just a total creeper from the start. Like how he tells Danny about the Donner party as they’re driving in with a shit eating grin on his face. Who

Dean Norris deserved better. :(

One of my main issues with the Kubrick Shining is how hollow it is. Jack seems to have no inner life and is just a nutball from the start, whereas in the book his internal struggles were the driving force for the story.

I think I hated Under the Dome’s ending more.

I feel like I should love the Shining. It’s got so many things I like: great visuals, slow burn horror, Stephen King, Stanley Kubrick. I keep rewatching it every few years like I’m trying to see what everyone sees in it. But I’m always kinda bored, and I hate Jack Nicholson in it. He is DEVOURING the scenery, and in a

Oh man, I heard the song as soon as I read the headline!

Man, I wish Sense8 had better writing.

I liked Metalhead. It’s a tight, suspenseful little short film.

Yeah, it makes her sound like a dumbass.

I’m in for weird, I’ll give it a look.

It’s true, I’m probably the evil one. :(

How was season 2? As good as the first?

Handlen! I’m not actually going to read the review before watching, but I wanted to register my excitement at seeing a familiar face.

Yeah fuck babies. I mean, not literally. Just kill them. That’s totally what people think.

I think if you go into Nolan movies with low expectations, they’re pretty fun! They just aren’t as ‘smart’ as they’re touted to be.

There was a season 4.5?!

My dad sat me down and made me watch it (because he loved it so much) and I was like “oh...this should just be the last episode.”

I fell asleep both times I tried to watch it, which isn’t something that usually happens. I had to reckon with the physical evidence that it did indeed suck.