
I also want to say that I really liked that Rey had parents of no particular note, and that there were little Force users all over the Universe (suggested by the last scene) just waiting to be discovered and trained. I’ll be disappointed to have this walked back.

So a flawed but ambitious attempt to save an institution from itself was met with histrionic backlash, resulting in a bombastic, deeply insecure, deeply empty retreat back to the familiar, at the cost of that institution’s integrity. I shouldn’t be taking any of this seriously, but I’m going to go ahead and refuse to

Is that sarcasm? Most of us love Star Wars despite the iffy writing, not because if it.



People like to point to entertainers as the rich, but there’s never an athlete on the Forbes 100. Never a singer. Never an actor. (Not primarily, at least)

It would be much easier to get on board with the “fun” of Gervais “not pulling any punches” if there weren’t a fair amount of evidence that he’s ludicrously thin-skinned for a man in his position.

I just came back from a regular round of Scythe. Two first timers so it was a bit slow but we all got way into it. Such a good game. After three hours though, Im well tired. 


I finished 2 runs of The Outer Worlds.


Well, I’ve heard both good things and bad things about The Outer Worlds, but my PS4 copy is arriving in the mail today and I’m definitely still excited to put in some hours over the weekend. I’ve heard that the character build system is pretty flexible and interesting, so I think I’ll be attempting to play as Doug

Remnant: From The Ashes. That friend and I got really into so we even started planning game sessions in the evening whenever our schedules allowed (is this growing up?). Managed to get in several hours that way, enough that we actually beat the game a first time.
It’s not a very long game and meant to be replayed

please do not treat minorities as your personal educators. i have work to do. you’re on thin ice my dude.

I think the biggest hilarity of your comment comes from actively shaming women and treating them like children (‘treasure chests’? Have you even held a hand before?), while having an avatar of a woman almost entirely naked that is entirely a oversexualization of a male character made female.

This is the cringiest thing I have read in the comments, I think I need a shower to wash off the stench of bigoted bullshit that is waffling off of this.

What Have You Finished This Week?


Can I say something being the second oldest dude here? Game of Thrones premiered April 17, 2011. A sane man occupied the White House, the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell signed, Saddam Hussein dead, Occupy Wall Street, The HARRY POTTER movies ended, and Gabriel Giffords survived a senseless attack. The excitement

An actor is not the same as her character. Your reasoning is like criticizing an actor for being anti-gun when they use guns in movies. It’s stupid and reductive.