
I’m not quite on that level with Sekiro—I just can’t bring myself to grind skill points—but I agree that trying to no-death it is extremely fun.

And yeah, Subnautica in VR sounds like a visually delightful hellscape.

Decided to pick up Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on Switch, and it’s a perfect fit for the console. FFXII is probably the slickest game in the franchise for grinding, so being able to sit back and do so while watching TV is a godsend.

Morning all! It’s pretty rare for me to be up this early, but considering the recent development in my life that is the birth of my daughter I figured I’d wake up a bit earlier to catch this commenting train. Last Friday we welcomed her into the world, and words kind of fail to capture how much life is different now

I wrote that up for a preview piece at some point and then completely lost track of it. I should double back and check it out.

I hope so too. I’ve been trying to figure out what the last 10 (or 9?) entries are going to be.

Jason, I’ve been a developer on more than one of these types of monolithic ambitious-but-aimless projects that eventually lurches over the finish line (late). You’ve gone through months (or years) of very real suffering to get it to that point, and when it arrives, you’re embarrassed at what’s been put out. It’s

In the same boat with Sunless Skies. 75 percent chance it’ll be WAYPTW next week, because I can’t imagine I’ll be playing much of anything else over the next few days.

Stardew Valley (on the Switch). Just started Spring in Year 2 (around 40-45 hours in) and damn it, it’s just so much fun to hang out in that game and farm/mine/fish/socialise. I'm certainly NOT an expert, and I've seen people with much nicer farms on Reddit who have reached the same (very early) point in the game, but

Thanks for reading! Glad you were attentive to the actual points. 

Benicio was secretly signed on to star.

I know they share the last name but maybe in an article about racism you should be specially careful about referring to the correct person even if their hispanic last names are the same. Benicio del Toro is the actor and not mentioned in the article about At the Mountains of Madness. That would be Guillermo.

Now playing

Maybe you should ask why there’s so many Queer Lovecraft fans in the first place?

Hey, William, sorry to be that guy but “Whether you’re playing Fortnite on your PS4" is not true. All free-to-play games on PS4 are accessible without Plus. It’s only for games you buy that have an online component like Overwatch or Battlefield, that you need.
Coincidentally, my Plus-subscription will be expiring in a

My mom, my maternal aunts, and I have all done Ancestry, and it’s been fun to look through the genetic matches and find people we didn’t know we were distantly related to. Our ancestral background was as boring as we expected, and seems fairly accurate based on our known family history. My aunt was recently contacted

I understand that is a lot to be confronted with. In a case where a commercial service suggests such a result, the thing to do is follow up with targeted tests from an credentialed geneticist hired by your mother (if she chooses to pursue this). You can demonstrate genetic relatedness beyond a reasonable doubt using

This article is grossly overstating the inaccuracy of these DNA tests. Which is ironic, since that’s essentially what these companies are also doing, but pretty much only in regards to the ethnicity stuff. If they say you have a marker for a disease or that you’re related to a specific person, that part is pretty

I don’t know how close it plays to regular Pandemic, since I’ve only played the Cthulhu variant. Also, I’m told that if you play Arkham Horror, some of the characters in Pandemic Reign of Cthulhu are the same, so that’s a neat little Easter egg. I’ve never played Arkham Horror, so can’t confirm.

This week, I mostly eschewed gaming, which is not helpful when trying to do the #12in12 challenge of finishing 12 games in 12 months. I’m persuading myself to avoid World of Tanks, Warframe, and Elite Dangerous, since none of those can actually be finished.

In terms of ongoing games, I’ve started up Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon. Was thinking about a bigger game but those are too daunting to start up on a weekday. Spyro 3, like the two before, is still fun and relaxing .... for the most part, meaning as long as I get to play as Spyro. Don’t care for any of the new