
I was going to start God of War in the last three days of my vacation after coming back from a great mountain hot spring (note to self: jeans and long johns are not -10 C appropriate apparel) but instead I started up a new round of This War Of Mine. Is it a fun game? Not necessarily. Is it a good game? Yes.
The way

Shoutout to Google for accidentally creating one of the most addictive games of the year in Semantris, a word association game based on machine learning algorithms.

I liked „Where The Water Tastes Like Wine“ because it’s an exciting scavenger hunt for people who are deeply in love with folklore, made by people deeply in love with folklore.

The last we see of the (I think unnamed?) woman from the cold open, she’s survived the tiger attack only to wind up in the less-than-charitable hands of the Ghost Nation. Which could be either a mean-spirited joke—congrats, you’re dead!—or could mean she’ll show up later. I hope it’s the latter.

Yes, because nobody blinks when opposite-sex romance, attraction or sexuality is public. It’s assumed to be normal or the default. And nobody is sharing details here — her saying she’s dated both men and women does not give you any particular bedroom details.

To anyone who mocks this information or says “Who cares?” I’d like to offer a hearty “Shut your fucking mouth”.

LGBTQ+ people are still being murdered for who they are. And not just in far away countries. Especially trans people of colour. We need more artists, athletes and leaders to talk about who they are and how