
I had my copy on the Apple IIe. I remember the keyboard controls working pretty well. I also remember being extremely confused when I beat Akuma and walked up to the princess with my fighting stance, and she kicked me in the face and killed me! 

I know they’re not technically “summer songs”, but I can’t think of summer without also thinking of Rihanna’s “Umbrella” (sans Jay-Z’s phoned-in rap opener) and Phoenix’s “Lisztomania”. They’re both just so catchy, and when they came out, I certainly spent a large amount of my summer listening to these songs in their

This article is not calling to get Overwatch or any characters banned. It’s a conversation starter about a problematic depiction of a not-rail-thin character whose voice lines are directly related to her weight - and from a game studio with an awful track record in how it views women. Comments like yours (and several

Even though I grew up in the 80s and 90s, it’s not until recently that I started to really appreciate horror. I was the young kid who would run out of the room while we all watched The Wizard of Oz, Ghostbusters, or even the “Thriller” music video. So I can’t say I was really eager to jump into Nightmare on Elm Street

How about, King’s Field is a soulslike progenitor?

My list would look completely different from this, though I appreciate a slate of games that’s so good that the last place entry has this description:

Phasmophobia gave us character models with big heads who were constantly t-posing. It didn’t change how you played your own character, but seeing your teammates was kind of hilarious. Ghosts all had big heads, too, though they weren’t t-posing.

Ya know, I think I’m in the minority in that I played the original (well, the Wii version), and enjoyed it, but only played it once. I didn’t know that I’d get eaten by shooting the lake in the remake, but all I was trying to do was shoot the blue medallion hanging from a dock over the lake. I think the lake’s hitbox,

I’m liking Wild Hearts so far, pretty deep into chapter 3. Surprisingly, I really like Minato, the hub town, as a place. The personalities there and the way it changes was unexpected, and it feels like a place that exists as more than a hub for monster fighting, which I never really felt with any Monster Hunter hubs.

The decision to make Joel less of a murder machine than he was in the game really pays off in this episode. In the game, while you’re murdering your way through a bunch of Fireflies at the end, the horror of what you’re doing doesn’t carry the same weight until the end, when you’re forced to kill the doctor. Here,

Despite apparently not being a live-service game, the game seems riddled with optional extras, including a season pass, pre-order bonuses, copious character costumes, weapon skins, etc.

Just reading all these comments here, I’m noticing the overall sentiment (here anyway) is something along the lines of, “Velma’s just not a good show. Not because it ruins Scooby-Do, or because the main character is changed from white to not white and is now ‘woke’. It’s just bad.” Which, fine. But if that’s the case,

Maybe I didn’t give it enough time, but I really didn’t even like the demo. Which is a shame because it seemed like such an interesting game for me. Everything just seemed so muddy to me, and enemies especially didn’t look like much of anything. I’m still hoping I turn out to be wrong, but after about an hour of the

Man, The Abyss was one of those movies my family watched over and over again when I was a kid. I had no idea Cameron was such a dick while filming it.

How can something that is completely digital “art” still look like they photoshopped his face onto a generic superhero body? At least, I think it’s all digital “art”. The article says he’s “photoshopped awkwardly in gaudy outfits,” but is that literal or figurative? I honestly can’t tell.

Thanks for this. I’ve been seeing him this whole season and trying to figure why I was so unnerved by him. I thought I had maybe seen him in something when he was a kid, but a search showed me nothing. It’s definitely his resemblance to Michael Pitt that’s triggering me.

I’m a high school teacher, and every once in a while we have a half-hour period called “advisory”, in which we present some kind of lesson that usually has something to do with empathy or good study habits. These lessons are put together by administration. One of them is about pronouns and how to show respect by

Seeing that a few of these shows were picked up by HBO after other networks cancelled them, I am once again hoping (probably against hope) that HBO some day picks up Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance.

I was never going to play Overwatch 2 anyway, due to the awfulness of corporate Acitivision-Blizzard, but this makes me realize how little I’ll be missing. I liked the first game (or maybe this game’s previous iteration, according to the article), but only for a couple months, and haven’t gone back since then.

Yep. I just wish I was able to pinpoint what it was about those particular games. I keep buying games I know are very good, but am just unable to get into them.